Why are you down there?

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Sorry everyone! I'll admit this chapter is a bit rushed but I felt like I needed to do an update soon! I've been so busy lately (tests, exams, holidays, general teenage life, etc.) that I have neglected my responsibilities for updating. So I'll apologise Again! I'm sorry!!! I hope the stuff that happens in this chapter makes up for it?! Tell me what you think in the comments please!!


It was the weekly Weasley family dinner and everyone was present aside from Fred and George. This was to be expected,however, as they were always working late at their shop. Only this time they were doing something much different.
The topic of Wedding Colours had just arose when The brothers walked through the door. And it was a wonder to everyone else but Fred as to why George decided to shout "well! What a coincidence, ay Freddie?!" As a way of announcing their presence. Nobody in the family knew that the twins had heard their conversation so they had no idea what George was talking about (they assumed he was just following on from a conversation they were having; or why Fred's face suddenly matched his hair.
There was a chorus of grateful sighs from the hungry Weasley family as they all stood and ventured to the table outside. Without so much as a hello to the two people who had kept them from their food; aside from Hermione who gave Fred a chaste kiss and a hug to George. They then followed everyone outside with Molly, and Ginny at the back considerately carrying the food, seeing as everyone else had forgotten. All of the couples took their customary seats next to one another, and as soon as Arthur gave the signals... The war began.
Bowls were grabbed, food was snatched, shouts came from people who 'wanted that slice!' or 'were waiting for some of that!', peas had somehow found their way into George's hair but he was to busy fighting with Hermione for the last bread roll to take notice of them. It was only after several long minutes of shouting and flying food that everyone had managed to settle down enough to eat.
If anyone were to see the utter mess left behind after a Weasley meal... You would understand why they ate outside.
Once every one was sufficiently fed and relaxed the family decided to have a relaxed conversation. The only problem was... Molly picked the topic... And not very subtly either.
"So! Who is going to give me my first grandchild then?!
This caused several people at the table to choke on their drinks and Harry (who was stretching his back at the time) to fall off of his chair in shock at the bluntness of the statement.
As Harry was getting up George chose this moment of silence to embarrass his brother.
"Well I imagine it would be Fred and Hermione, that is, assuming all goes well eh, Fred?" The look he sent his twin was missed by nobody.
With George being at the very right end of the table and Fred at the very left, the last seat to be exact, it had been easy for Fred to slip from his seat whilst everyone else's attention was the other way.
But all eyes were on him now. Nobody's more so than Hermione's though. At least that's how it felt to Him.
The one leg he had supporting him wavered slightly as his nerves began to take a hold.
"Hermione, I have loved you ever since the moment I first saw you, I have been in love with you ever since I was 13 years old. You might wonder what happened in that time that caused me to fall in love with you..and to be honest I don't have an answer either really. I think it might have been when you came back to the common room after punching Malfoy Jr in the face. Because I saw that little spark of fire in your eye for the first time that day, the type that promises feistiness and mischief. And to be honest, I've never noticed that in anyone else.
And as you went about your every day life climbing higher and higher; I was falling deeper and deeper in love with you. And if I'm being perfectly honest, I want to keep falling because it is the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced- being in love with you that is. And I don't ever want it to stop.
So what I'm pretty much saying here with my awkward rambles i-"
"YES!" Hermione shouted elatedly
"Alright pushy you're supposed to let him finish you kno- OW! Ginny what was that for?!" Harry said in the background.
"You might be right but you need to shut UP!" She replied hastily before turning her attention back to her brother and giving him an encouraging nod.
"As I was saying" Fred began again with a pointed look to Harry
"I know that this isn't the most romantic setting and I know I'm not the best guy you could have been forced to be stuck with for eternity... But Hermione Jean Granger will you do me the absolute honour of becoming my Mrs. Fred Weasley?" As he finished Fred pulled an orange velvet box out of his pocket containing the most stunning ring Hermione had ever seen in her life. It was a golden band set with five diamonds two small, two larger inside those and then one large right in the centre. It was perfect.
"You are the best person I could have ever hoped for Fred. I couldn't think of anyone better to spend the rest of my life with and I would love to accept the offer of becoming your wife!" Hermione said, her voice cracking with emotion.
"YOU COULD HAVE JUST SAID A SIMPLE YES YOU KNOW HERMIONE!" George semi-hollered from the other end of the table. This was followed by a resounding sound of slaps and ouches.
But Fred and Hermione paid no mind as they were too wrapped up in their bubble of happiness as Fred slipped the ring on Hermione's finger; which was a perfect fit.
"I do have one question though?" Hermione asked quietly.
"Well that's one right there, but I'll let you have another in exchange for a kiss?" Fred teased back lightly.
Hermione pecked him on the lips before asking her very simple question.
"Why is the box orange?"
"Well none of this is exactly normal, so I thought hey why not?Untraditional-ism seems to be a theme around here lately! Forget black or red, let's go orange like my hair!" Fred replied as if he'd already expected her to ask (which secretly he did).
"One more question? And don't say that one counts" Hermione smiled
"Go on"
"Can I hit your brother and Harry for those remarks earlier?"
Fred leaned down to kiss her soundly
" of course you can my love."
"Thank You darling."
And just like that, their bubble had been popped by Hermione's shout at the two terrified men.
"THATS RIGHT YOU RUN, BECAUSE WHEN I CATCH YOU NEITHER OF YOU WILL BE ABLE TO MOVE FOR WEEKS. HARRY JAMES POTTER, WHERE IS MY WAND?!" Hermione soon began to chase them down, not only to land a solid hit on them; but also to retrieve her stolen wand in order to give them a well deserved bat bogey hex, courtesy of her soon to be sister -in- law. A thought that made Hermione smile wide as she ran after her two troublesome new family members.

A/N:::: Okay this is really rushed. It's currently 1am ( I think? I've kinda lost all concept of time) in England and I am tireddd! So I'm sorry if there are a whole load of mistakes! Just give me a little comment pointing it out and I'll fix it ASAP. As always please leave a comment telling me what you think! Bye everyone!
TheSlytherinTimeLadyFromStorybrooke 😊😊

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