Good News and Court Pews Part 2

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* okay I'm honestly shocked as to how I have never noticed this but..
5k reads?! Thank you all so much. I never thought this story would take off so well! I would like to thank you all for your support and understanding about my bad updating schedule (which I promise is slowly but surely improving!) again thank you all it means a lot to have so much support! Xox*

Also there will be a part three to this part of the story. I would add the court scene to this chapter but I'm honestly stumped at how to write it at the moment!

*F POV* ( because it's been a while since we've had one ;) )

I sat next to Hermione in the inquiry room. The ministry official had just left the room to hand in the information we had given him. We had told him everything, no matter how guilty it made us feel. It's not like we had a choice anyway. Veritaserum really sucks. I loved Ron, I really did, he was my favourite sibling after George. But he did something that I deemed as inexcusable.
He almost took my whole future away from me.
And for that he deserves to serve the consequences, even if it means that I will never see him again. I don't think I could stand to anyways.
I suddenly become conscious of a slight movement next to me. Hermione is crying. Without any thought I instantly pull her into my side; offering words of comfort. That is until I realise that they may seem meaninglessly empty to her right now. So I opt to just hold her and let her ride out her emotions silently.
After a while she stops crying and looks at me with eyes full of utter heartbreak.
"Did we do the right thing? I feel like we shouldn't have done this. He's your brother Fred! How could I have just done that to you both? I've split up your entire family. Over something that happened two years ago! What if he gets sent to Azkaban? Or if he's banished into the muggle world? He wouldn't be able to handle it. And we wouldn't be able to see him and help him even if we forgive him in later years! I hate him so much right now but I shouldn't have done this to you. I had no right to do this, I'm so sorry!"
By the end of her speech she was standing above me,inches away, but it felt like miles.
How can she say that?
"Are you done now?" She nodded despondently
"Good because you're stupid." She turned to me obviously angry.
"Let me finish. You're stupid if you think for one second that you forced me into this. I did this because I felt it had to be done. I did this because no matter how much I loved my little brother what he did was wrong. He cheated on Parvati and almost took away our chance at having our own family. I love you Hermione and I don't want to lose you. I plan to protect you as best I can. Now I know that you can take care of yourself but I feel it's my job as your future husband to be there for you; and if that means punishing my brother like this... then so be it. Because at the end of the day it's going to be me and you for the rest of our lives. And to be fairly honest with you, I'd rather snog Dumbledore than let Ron get away with the things he's done!"
She stood and silently contemplated what I had said. Then slowly she looked up and with the straightest face, looked into my eyes and said:
"Somehow I don't think you find kissing Dumbledore a bad thing. We all know you had a thing for him in your 5th year."
I looked at her in shock and spoke, trying to keep my composure and not laugh.
"Don't you know me at all?! I've loved him since third year! If it weren't for you we would probably be married right now!" I lasted all of five seconds before I burst into hysterics and she did too. But at that moment the official waltzed back in and ruined our fun. He cleared his throat in a snobby manner and then addressed us in the most monotone voice we had ever heard.
"Your evidence has been processed you can leave now. We will send an owl to inform you of the court date. Good day."
Thanks mate. Thanks for ruining our fun.
I grabbed hermione's hand and walked out of the room.

Time to face the music. Or as I like to call it...
Time to face mum.

Okay everyone I need some help. What would you like to happen to Ron? I have some ideas but I also want your opinions. Do you want him to get let off lightly or leave the story all together? Please state your opinions!! Xox

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