Rest of our forever...

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I stretched and reflexively felt the bed beside me, only to find it cold. I startled in a blind moment of panic before remembering what today was.
Today was the first day of the rest of my life with the woman I love. I looked around the hotel room I was in and realised something.
And that was that this was the last time that I would wake up alone, not only in the physical sense; but in the emotional sense too.
I'll have somebody to share my deepest thoughts with, understand, and connect with. Of course I've had George all of my life but because we're so similar, it's rare that he thinks of something that I haven't thought over a thousand times already. I need somebody who can think of things my brain can't even fathom.brightest witch of her age. Who are we kidding? She's the brightest witch ever... I wonder if she's awake yet?
2 hours earlier... (6 am)
Is there really any point in trying to go back to sleep? Ginny is supposed to be waking me up at 7 for breakfast; and if I've only just woken up I don't think I'll have much of an appetite anyways.
Why am I so calm? Aren't brides supposed to be nervous on a day like this? This is the biggest day of my life and it's the calmest I've ever felt.
I wonder if Fred is awake?
Oh my goodness! What if he wakes up late?
What if the wedding runs late?
What if the minister doesn't arrive?
What if I run late and Fred thinks I've left hi-
There it is. Well then brain if you insist; breakfast it is.
Ginny is going to kill me for being up this early...

* 9 am*
"Hermione What did I tell you last night!? If you had just listene- HERMIONE! How can you fall asleep?! This is the biggest day of your life; never mind the fact that I'm stood here screaming at yo- HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER!"
I lifted my head up and glared at Ginny. The ceremony didn't start until half four and it was only half 9 now! "What on earth makes you think that it will take 7 hours to do my hair and makeup Gin? It'll only take twenty seconds for you to flick your wand and my hair will be done; another flick and so is my makeup!"
"Hermione... Don't know what Fred has done?"
"What? Ginny what in merlin's name do you mean?!"
"Hermione, your wedding is half muggle themed. He wanted both of  your upbringings to be represented here. And when you told him that night about how upset you were that your parents weren't here... He did some research on muggle weddings. You know about how the bride, her mother and bridesmaids all get their hair and makeup done... He realised that you should have that too. So me, you, mum, Fleur, Victoire, Angelina and Audrey are going to a muggle salon for the day. Them were getting a bridal car back here and putting on our dresses."
Suddenly I wasn't asleep anymore. Tears were running down my face and all I wanted to do was see Fred and never let him go. If I didn't know his personality so well I'd say I can't believe he's do something like this for me. In fact, even knowing him so well, I'm still in disbelief.
"Right, yes, I know it cute. But you need to stop crying because we have to go to the muggle salon. I think it's called Tao's? Something like that anyways. And they won't be very happy if you come in all red and blotchy. I heard they're pretty high class. A muggle website said they had Gucci seats; whatever that means..."
"Okay I'm fine let's go."

* 4:25 pm H POV*

My dress flowed perfectly, my hair was tied up without a single stray strand, thanks to mr Huang Zi Tao. That man is a master at what he does; and he certainly knows a LOT about Gucci.

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