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*4:30am, October 12th 2006*
*author POV*

"She's perfect" Ginny whispered. This was her 6th niece, and she could already tell that she would be her secret favourite.
It was a surprise to everyone when Fred and Hermione announced they were expecting their fourth child. After the torment they went through with their first, Hugo, nobody expected any more children from them. But then they went along to have Rose and Daniel, who were marginally easier to handle.
It was only the third hour of her being in this world, but everyone could tell that Jenna Faye Weasley would be an angel at worst.

*10:56am 1st September 2017*

The family of 6 made a mad dash between the wall of platforms 9 and 10. Three children were hugged and kissed before being loaded onto the train by Hermione. One child however was hesitant to her siblings. This was to be Jenna Weasley's first year at Hogwarts; and to say she was scared was an understatement. Seeing this her father pulled her to the side and knelt down in order to be at her height.
"Dad, what if I'm not in Gryffindor? I'll be alone there!"
Fred chuckled slightly before taking his daughters hand gently.
"Then Ravenclaw, Slytherin or Hufflepuff will have gained an excellent house member. You're a Weasley sweetheart, there are so many of us it's impossible to be alone. Just know that people who mind don't matter and people who matter don't mind. Stick by that and you'll do just fine. You can write to me and your mother whenever you want. But if it matters to you, the sorting hat takes your choice into account."
"Dad... I can't believe you just stole that from uncle Harry!"
"But it worked didn't it?"
"I guess. Thanks dad, love you!" Jenna's worries were gone as she rushed up to her mother. A teary eyed Hermione hugged her daughter tightly until the boarding whistle was blown. Jenna waved goodbye to her parents before boarding the Hogwarts express for the first time in her life, and finding her siblings and cousins.
The parents of all the children stood together and watched as their children began the same journey they did years earlier.
It didn't take long for the train to be lost in the distance. Hermione and Fred stood, hands linked and ready smiles on their faces.
If anyone were to have told any of them that this is where they'd be standing 20 years ago, to say they wouldn't have believed them would be an understatement. But here they were and none of them would have changed it for the world.
"I don't know what I'll do without them. It's a good job I have you. I love you Fred Weasley."
"Hermione Weasley, I love you too. Thank you for our little family."
"Uhh... Fred... it might not be little for much longer."
"Let's hope it's another boy this time, bill said he feels left out as the only uncle without a 'child named after him'" Fred's eyes became more glassy all of a sudden.
It was 9 months later to the day; that Hermione Weasley vowed that no more children would be born after Tyler James and Theo Billius Weasley. Of course Fred and Hermione completed their family with twins. And they couldn't have been happier.

And that is the end of the story! Thank you all for all of your support and let me know if you'd be interested in a sequel because I'm low key up for doing it if that's what you all want!

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