a woman scorned...

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* H POV*
I sat at my desk. 9pm. Too early for sleep, too late for anything productive... great.
Well I guess there was one productive thing I could do. I could plan my revenge on ronald.
okay let's start with the basics. ways to get at him.

1)make him jealous


wait there's no need for a second option because jealousy is all im going to need. I need to show Ronald that I don't care about him anymore, and that i'm perfectly content to live my life with Fred without him.

What's that noise? Oh an owl! It's Fred's little barn tobias. I did always like that name.

It was simply signed to mione. It's from Fred.

Dear Hermione,

I am so sorry for what ron did to you. I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that he got more than what you gave him... and  that he is no longer in the family. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF as it is most certainly not your fault. He cheated on Parvarti, and I expect that is why he came to you in the first place. the girl he... did things with was a friend of Ginny's.  Hey would you look at me, I didn't even say the S word. It hasn't even been a week and you're already having a positive effect on me! ;) anyways the girl... Well she had long brown hair, slightly on the wild side, brown eyes, apparently extremely smart... sound  familiar? If it does then she was probably extremely gorgeous too.

well anyway, due to his actions, he has been kicked out indefinitely, he is still aloud to visit though but only for short periods of time.

Which leads me on to my second reason for this letter. Due to his banishment, as I've said, Ronald isn't allowed to stay here... So I was wondering if you would like to come and stay here for a short time?
And when he visits could we possibly make him just a teensy bit jealous? Please?! It would be fun:)
"Funnily enough Fred I was thinking the same" I whispered to myself
Well, I guess that's all. Please send your reply with tobias good night mione sweet dreams :)

From Fred x

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