*H POV*I stood in front of my mirror. And promptly felt self conscious. I wasn't by any means overweight, or underweight for that matter. In fact I felt comfortable with the way I looked... But that was back when I thought that I would be the only one seeing it. I didn't have amazing curves or the best assets and that is what worries me. What if Fred is disappointed? Or even worse.. What if he laughs? I don't think I could handle that.
I spun around as fast as I could,wand in hand, but the momentum caused me to fall on to my butt.
I gripped my wand tighter only to look up into the bright red face of Ginny who looked like she may need a restroom pretty soon. I stood back up in annoyance and glared at her until she calmed down.
" I know exactly what you were thinking hermione granger and let me tell you, YOU. ARE.BEAUTIFUL. Got that? There are millions of girls out there that would see their souls to look like you so please don't feel like you're not adequate for my brother. You are perfect for him."
I stood there gaping at her, unable to understand how she knew what I was thinking."Oh. How did I know what you were thinking? It's a Weasley secret. I'll teach you it in a few months. After all you will be one too!" She said with a smile.
I was still unable to speak as it had just hit home. I was going to be a Weasley."Yes yes we know you're going to be a Weasley. Honestly everyone but you and Fred have caught on to that fact!" She dead panned with a small giggle afterwards.
"I'm here to help you pick an outfit and look drop dead gorgeous. The whole family knows what you and my brother are planning. Everyone is on you're side, especially mum and dad. So let's get started shall we?!"2 hours later I looked incredible. I was wearing a black halter top with a peach flared skirt, black pumps, and to accessorise I was wearing some gold bangles on my left wrist and a peach clip held back my now straight hair.(thank merlin for sleek easy's potion!) My makeup was natural and mostly accentuated my features.
Needless to say I liked it very much.
I was stood behind the door to the burrow and trying to gain the courage to knock. Just as I lifted my fist someone opened it for me. Mrs. Weasley immediately enveloped me in a warm hug.
"Hello Hermione dear! You look wonderful! How has your week been? Any news?" There was a certain emphasis on the last word that I couldn't help but notice. Instead of replying I blushed furiously. Harry was the next person I saw as I stood in the kitchen. "Hey hermione! Wow, you look gorgeous! How are you holding up? I heard all about the Ron situation and I hope you know that we're all on your side" he whispered gently. I then gave him a rather large hug. I could believe it. For the first time in 9 years he has chosen me over Ronald. And I told him so and how much I appreciate it. He instantly looked guilty and began to apologising but I cut him off with a look.
"Hey Harry I'd be careful you know, my brother is definitely the jealous type. Maybe you should stick to Ginny, eh?" I heard George snigger then seconds later let out a yowl of pain. He came in to the room holding his ribs with his left arm." And he apparently has really hard elbows!" He said scathingly as he directed a glare behind him. Fred came down the stairs with a hard look directed at his brother, a look which disappeared as soon as he saw me and Harry. "I will admit he's right you know Harry. Best you stick with my sister." He winked at him to show he was only half- serious.
He turned to me and his jaw dropped. He didn't move for a good few seconds before George got his revenge via a slap to the back of the head "OW. George that hurt you know! He hem. Sorry Hermione you look beautiful, amazing, absolutely-"
"Fred you're rambling" I mumbled with a blush.
"Oh. Right I am... Shall we take your bags upstairs?"
I nodded quickly and before I could blink Fred had my case in his arms and was leading the way.
I waited until we were out of earshot before asking the big question.
"Um,Fred, are we sharing a room or am I sharing with Ginny?"
"Well... I thought I'd leave that up to you Harry said he doesn't mind sleeping in Ron's room whilst you share with Ginny and George Is staying at Katie's so you could share with me if you'd prefer that" he looked at the floor as he said the last part.
"Well, if it's all right with you that is, I think I'd prefer to room with you. We're going to be sharing a room soon anyways so why not start now" I stated with more confidence than I thought possible.
"Alright then why don't we get all these clothes packed away and join everyone for lunch?"
"Sure that sounds great" I smiled at him trying to ease the tension.An hour (and many shy glances) later all of my stuff was packed away. Fred and I were sat next to each other whilst we all ate lunch.
"So, Harry,how's teddy?" George questioned brightly
"He's doing great he said his first word yesterday. I have a feeling he's going to love blue when he grows up!"
"Really why's that?" I piped in
"Well, I was dressing him for andromeda's and I picked up his favourite red shirt. He took one look and just shouted 'blue' and his hair changed to match! He really is a bright little boy!"
"He must take after his aunt Hermione then." Fred mumbled.
I couldn't help but blush. I had been spending a lot of time looking after teddy when Harry and Ginny needed a break or when Andromeda wanted some alone time. I was very happy to watch him. He was such a good little boy. If mine and Fred's happen to be like-
Woah there Granger. You need to stop right there. You've been together less than a week and you don't even know if Fred wants kids yet.
My voice took on a devestatiny angry tone at my next thought.
Or if it's even possible after what Ron did to me.Oh no. It's happening
"Sorry everyone I just need to leave for a minute." I said politely. Once I was out of eye sight I took off sprinting towards the quidditch field( being mindful of my skirt of course).
I collapsed under a tree and sobbed for all I was worth.
Would Fred still want me if I couldn't have children?
What if I could and he didn't want them?
I was stuck in my thoughts of torment until I heard someone approach. I couldn't turn around as the force of my sobs made my body immobile. It was only as I smelt the fresh scent of apples and cinnamon that I managed to stop."Mione are you okay?! You've been gone for almost half an hour we were starting to worry. Why are you crying? Have I done something?" Fred sounded frantic. I took a few deep breaths before replying.
"N-n-no you hav-ven't done anything. I just have something to ask/ tell you. I know it's really soon but I need to know."
"Mione you know you can ask me anything!"Fred said comfortingly.
I took a deep breath in before asking him quietly
"Do you want children?"
He looked stunned for a full minute before replying softly
"I do Mione. I'd love a little copy of us running around. Maybe even a few children. But if that's not what you want then-"
"It is! I love children and I'd love to have some of my own..." I trailed off at the end not sure if I could say the next words.
"But?.." Fred asked cautiously.
"But I don't think I can have children. Ronald- he... He had been drugging me with love potion since fourth year. The effects of having that much in my system could be so harmful. I've been to scared to go to St. Mungos. I don't know if I could take hearing the words if it's bad news!" I turned hysterical at the end of my words. Unable to contain my emotions any longer.
He didn't say a word he just pulled me toward him and hugged me for what seemed like forever. In reality it was 20 minutes.
"I want to scream at the top of my lungs right now. I want to hex him until he can't remember who he was. I want to kill him. But I know that you need me here right now Mione. I'm not going to leave and if-if you want... I'll come to mungos with you" I nodded against his chest. "-and we can find out together. You don't have to do this alone I'll be here. Every step of the way. Ron however, won't last the week. I'm sorry Mione but the number of things that my brother has done are illegal. If we don't tell the ministry we could all go to azkaban. And I don't think I could stand to let you go to such a place. So tomorrow we're going to St. Mungos and then I'll go to the Ministry." Fred said with finality. I was in shock. Yet I couldn't find it in myself to feel sorry for him.
"I'm coming with you. To the ministry. If you're going to be there for me then I'm going to return the sentiment." He smiled down at me for a second.
Maybe it was the look in his eyes.
Or the smile on his lips.
Or it was what he had just said, But I couldn't help myself. I leaned up... And I kissed him.
there were no words. All I know is that it was defiantly better than they make it out to be in the movies.
"I couldn't have put it better myself."
I Breathed
"Where did you learn to do that granger?" He asked breathlessly. I wiped my eyes and we began to walk back to the burrow.
"I don't know" I teased
"All I know is that it was the first of many."

the marriage law.
RomanceHermione granger was always expected to end up paired with a weasley. But what happens when it's the one that nobody expected? Move over Ronald and step in Fred, the lucky Weasley who will sweep Hermione off her feet. But in all fairness none of thi...