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"rebecca are you ready? we're gonna be late." i yell from downstairs, grabbing the keys to my red jeep.

rebecca's my younger sister by a year and two months. that's all she needed to think she could start wearing my clothes, but like i said to think.

"five minutes! that's all i need!" She yells back. i groan.

"hurry!" i say opening the front door," it's now or you're walking!"

i hop into the car and start it. i throw my bag to the back seats and wait 15 minutes for stupid rebecca.

"okay, okay, im here." she says breathless.

"it's about time! i'll have to bribe the teachers somehow to get you out of detention because if you're late from school, mom will kill me." i say.

"you're overreacting! you're forgetting that my home room teacher's a guy. you're forgetting how i got extra credit." she smirks.

"you know, sometimes i don't even think you're my sister." i say back somewhat rudely.

"well we are because if you didn't know our parents both fu-"

"can you shut up already? remember, im 18 and you're 16 almost 17 and you're treating me like im the little sister here. fine, go bribe you're teachers to let you slip out of detention, you're the one still getting in trouble, not me." i park my car and get out, pushing my sister out on the way.

I walk up to my locker to see my best friend melanie standing there.

"hey bells!" she runs up to hug me.

"mel, can't- breathe!" i gasp between breaths.

"sorry, it's just that i have big news!" she squeals.

"what it is?" i ask curiously, while grabbing my necessary textbooks for my first two periods.

"brady collins is throwing a party!" she squeals even louder and looks like she's about to explode.

"so? doesn't he always throw parties?plus, they're invite only." i ask in a monotone voice.

"that's why it's big news! he invited you!" she jumps up and down.

"is it surprising that i don't believe you?" i say sarcastically.

"fine don't believe me, but just take this invitation, to his party, that comes with a plus one invite." she sighs dramatically.

"you really weren't kidding." i widen my eyes and take the invitation like its sacred," but why would the hottest guy want me to go to his party?"

"well, you know that everyone at school knows that you're still a virgin and he's the biggest player at school. i call it trying to get into your pants." she explains.

"shut up, don't pop my bubble." i giggle-wait what? i giggled? i never giggle. what's happening?! has the world gone mad?!

well, to be completely honest ive always had a crush on brady collins since the tenth grade. we used to be bestfriends up until then. he had been "chosen" to be a popular guy, or so he says and then they convinced him that he was player worthy and so became one. goodbye friendship.

i miss our friendship because he had said that he wouldn't trade it for the world. great way to keep his word right? yea, i know.

"bell, you're daydreaming. stop it before you get all your drool on the floor." melanie snaps.

"sorry, you know what happens when you mention brady, i get flashbacks." i sigh.

"yea, yea, come on, let's get going. the first bell already rang." she tugs my arm.

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