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"Damn! Fatty much?! You are like what? 2 pints of ice cream in less than 20 minutes?!" He jokes.

"I said I wanted ice cream."

"That's a fatty move. You didn't even leave any for me."

"I left you the tub thingy. You can lick that." I laugh, sitting down on the couch, as we re enter my humble home.

"Hell no! I want real ice cream!" He says, rummaging through my freezer.

"Well, we have otter pops and tropical pops?" I question.

"Yea, but I'll need 10 of each to fill me up." He jokes, leaving the kitchen with an orange otter pop in hand.

"Eww!" I say like a five year old," I'm allergic to orange."

"That's the best flavor!" He says

"Don't come near me with that. Don't try kissing me or even hugging me. You have a restraining order!! 10 feet or more!" I say, starting to run away.

"No wait, are you really allergic?"

"Nope!" I say, going up to my room, and getting my nerf gun out from my closet, heading back towards Brady.

"Back away! I mean it!" I say, then start shooting foam bullets to his chest.

"Ooh, I'm so scared" he says, otter pop in his hand.

"Well I am, so deal with it." I say, dropping my empty nerf gun on the floor.

I turn, thinking I heard a tap on the window, when I'm tackled by Brady to my bed.

"HELLLLLLLP!" I scream, laughing.

"Here comes the orange stuff!"
"Eww!" I say, laughing.

"I meant the juice, you know, the one in the sack thingy."

"Stop." I hold my hand up," you aren't helping yourself."

"I know." He laughs, then pours the syrup in my mouth.

I could've sworn that I threw up, but I didn't.

I was so damn close though.

I couldn't even speak to scold him, I could only gag. And then this bitch is laughing his ass off.

And then there's a ring, the doorbell.

"Go get it." I manage to say, before losing my voice some.

All I could hear from the kitchen was mixed phrases.

"How could you...she's allergic...well she is...move before I do something to you."

And then there was footsteps, they were coming up. I recognized the voice too, Melanie.

"Bella! Bella, what happened?" She says frantically, looking for some of my allergy relief medication.

"It's o-" barf."kay, we were just pla" barf."ing."

"I swear, I think I like Blake better now." She says, looking at me, but not making eye contact.

"Shut up." I say, before downing two pills, no water.

"It's true, I mean he treated you better." She says, fidgeting around with some stupid thing she found under my sink.

"What happened? Spill it, all of it. "

"Well, remember that day that you and him broke up, like a week ago?"

I nod.

" some Starbucks and then we went home to watch Netflix... And shit went down."

"YOU SLEPT WITH HIM!?" I remark, quite angrily.

"Why do you care? You broke up with him!" She raises her voice.

"I care because you're my best friend and I thought you were better than that!"

As this argument is taking place, Brady's just standing there like an idiot, still drinking the melted remains of his otter pop. Eww!

There's complete silence for a moment, then I speak up.

"Mel, I'm sorry, I just, I don't know." I say, playing with my nails.

"No, I get it. Sorry, I should have known better than to do that. I don't know either" she confesses as well.

"Okay, so now that y'all crazy assess are finished arguing, I'd like to invite my girlfriend to have dinner with me later." He smiles.

I smile too.

"I'll come by around eight to pick you up. Oh, and wear something nice, fix your hair up."

I laugh," yes sir!"

"Bye babe." He says, before leaning in to kiss me. As I pull away, I wait for the sound of the door to slam before I completely go crazy, asking Melanie to help me choose an outfit.

"Melanie," I pause," he asked me out because he wanted sex. I told him that he'd get it, but he has to wait. I have to wait until I thought I was ready."

Thought me saying this, Melanie has paused looking through my closet, and looks at me with wide eyes, mouth open.

"What?" I laugh.

"You're going to sleep—with him?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"Promise me one thing, you won't get upset if after you guys have sex, he leaves you. "

"I can't."


"He's already won over my heart."

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