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"well miss woods, it does appear that you did hit it hard, very hard." the doctor says examining my x-ray.

no shit sherlock , it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

"no breaks or fractures, just a mild sprain." he says, looking at me intensively.

okay, let me describe him for you, make it easier to imagine.

he's about 5 foot 9, around 25 years old and had hazel brown hair with green eyes. he was the

"you can go in a few minutes meanwhile i get your crutches, would you like help sitting up?" he offers in which i gladly accept.

i look over at blake, who has clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles are white and the rest of his hand isn't far behind.

"blake, just because i gave you a chance doesn't me that i belong to you." i state.

"but you're now my girl," he says with his extremely cute british accent.

"technically im not." i chuckle.

"shut up." he hides a blush.

"i still hate your guts, not completely satisfied with the whole 'you belong to me now' shit." i honestly reply. i think I just accepted it because i felt a pity for him.

he leans in and gives me a quick soft kiss.

"are you completely satisfied with your purchase?" he grins.

"you dork." i laugh, pushing his head back a little.

"you gotta love me." he pretends to draw a halo over his head.

"no i don't, it was a voluntary assignment." i laughed it off.

"haha, just watch what happens when i do this." he says and kisses some random nurse walking by.

of course, i slapped him.

"great answer, it answered all of my questions." he says smiling a toothy grin.

honestly, i think it was the pity show that made me say yes, not because I actually like him. i feel bad for doing this.

"miss woods, im back with your crutches, just take it nice and slow. if you have any other worries or concerns, feel free to spin by and have us check you out." he winks.

my smile disappears from my face, what does he want from me? i question myself.

i can see blake clenching his jaw.

"babe, can you help me up please?" i ask him.

"sure thing." he says with a smile, unclenching every muscle in his body, to soothe my needs.

"thanks" i say giving him a soft peck.

at this point, i can see the doctor looks a little...jealous? of what though?

"thanks again doctor." i quickly wave, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"oh um, right. no problem." he says tensely.

mission completed. score!

"miss woods?" he says lunging towards me,"can i have a word?"

"sure thing, babe, wait for me in the waiting room." i smile at blake.


"thanks for understanding." i say, offering a reassuring smile.

"umm, what's up doctor?" i ask, shifting uncomfortably.

"come with me, this afternoon to go get coffee. just us two." he smiles.

"umm, sorry, i can't. im going somewhere with my boyfriend." i respond, ready to leave.

"not as a date, just as friends." he grins.

"no thank you, sorry." i respond leaving.

"are you sure that you'll be okay with me leaving?" he questions.

"of course, i trust you absolutely 100%. have fun!" i smile.

"okay, ill leave around midnight." he says moving a strand of hair from my face.

i look over at the clock, 11:43 pm. as wrong as my situation was, i honestly don't want him leaving me...ever. i feel safe with him.

after the 17 minutes pass, blake leaves to the party. i lay in my bed, listening to  shawn mendes. soon enough i drift off to a light sleep.


Sorry it's so short and I haven't posted. Ik Ik. I just stated school as did some of you others, so jut hang in there with me. Well, I'll update asap but that doesn't mean like today.

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