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"rebecca!" i yell," get your ass down here, now!"

"what do you want?!" she groans still in her pajamas.

"you are coming to school," I drag her," let's go."

"you can't take me like this," she whines," im still in my pajamas."

"that's what happens when you're not ready on time, now out!" i order.

"child abuse!!" she yells.

"quit being so immature will you?" i roll my eyes.

"then let me go change." she pouts.

"nope, and now go into the car, go go." i push her into the passengers seat.

"this is torture!!" and then she throws a tantrum. literally.

"you're lucky were rich because you're just a spoiled brat that cries whenever she doesn't get her way." i say in a loud tone," you're in fuckin highs hook and it's time for you to grow up. you aren't 5 anymore so stop acting like it!"

"drop me off here." she says, sniffling.

"rebecca you have to more bloc-"

"i said to drop me off here." she clenched her jaw.

"suit yourself." i roll my eyes.

"tell mom that im staying at jacobs today." she says before getting out.

looks like those 2 weeks are going to turn into 3. yippee! note the sarcasm.

just then my phone starts ringing and knowing me, well i answered it. yea, i know that it's illegal, but it could've been aliens trying to communicate with me and negotiate a deal to take my sister. it could happen.

"hello." i say into my phone, not bothering to check the caller id.

"bella, hi sweetie." a feminine voice says into the phone.

i quickly lift the phone from my ear to actually check the called id, but the number is blocked.

"who are you?" i ask, pulling into the school parking lot.

"no time for that, but listen closely. you stay away from blake cameron or ill make the rest of your senior year a nightmare." she says before hanging up.

if yall people didn't notice, i can't really do that because he randomly decided to come live next to me.

"okay...weirdos." i say before getting out of my car.

as im walking towards the sidewalk, i get that feeling like if someone's following me. i shift uncomfortably before feeling a hand on my butt.

i turn around and see that it's blake.

"what the hell is your problem?" i yell.

"just wanted to show you how much i love you." he smirks.

"don't do that ever again."

"ooh, im so scared!" he jumps sarcastically.

okay, now he's just pushing my buttons.

and then i slap him. it felt good too.

"what was that for?" blake asks, holding his stinging cheek.

"don't mess with a girls ass." i say, then walk over to my locker where melanie's supposed to be waiting for me. when I turn the hall and look towards my locker, i notice that she's not there. that's weird.

i open my locker, not putting much thought into mels disappearance and grab my necessary textbooks for first and second period.

as i turn around, i accidentally bump into brady collins. why does he have to be so damn cute!

"sorry brady, i didn't see you there." i blush.

i immediately cover my face, not wanting the hottest guy-correction, the second hottest guy- at school to see me blush. wait! woah,woah,woah. pump your brakes. did I say 'second hottest'?

conscience: duh, i mean brady collins is the, but that blake kid, damn is he fine.

okay, this is bad! i cannot and i repeat cannot think blake cameron is hot, no way!

"bell!" i can hear melanie yell from the other end of the hallway,"im so sorry that im late, its just that i saw your sister walking on the street with her pajamas and i felt bad, so casual me, i took her home and then dropped her off at school." she grins.

kill me now. please. face palm. doesn't she know that she was on the street for a reason? jesus, now i have to explain everything to her.

"she was there for a reason. she got mad that i was making her go to school in her pajamas because she was late. she told me to leave her on the side of the road and knowing me, since i do not hesitate, i left her there, but now because you picked her up, she thinks is okay to be careless about her time." i cross my arms.

"ooh, see, yea that explains everything." she bites her upper lips.

"hey, umm sorry for being nosy, but you left your sister on the side of the road?" brady asks with widened eyes.

"if you knew her completely, you'd understand .'" i roll my eyes.

"good girl gone bad?" he smirks.

"maybe so." i smile.

"im expecting to see her at my party tomorrow night." he says, then walks away.

"i hope so too."

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