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"ill see you after sixth." brady says, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"me too babe, i don't feel too well, so if im not out, ill be in the nurses office." i say, unraveling my arms from his neck, the intertwine our fingers.

"do i have to go to practice? i really don't want to." i say,hugging bradys waist,him hugging my torso.

"can't you call in sick, i mean, you're captain." he says, fidgeting around his pockets, fishing for his phone.

"yea, ill just call melanie." i say, dialing her number.

melanie: whats up potatoe butt?

bella: im not feeling well, i have to skip practice, but tell coach jennings that I'll do extra conditioning when I come back.

melanie: bummy! *laughs* don't worry, ill cover.

bella: thanks hoe, see you tomorrow.

melanie: bye hoe!

"what do you wanna do now?" brady asks me.

"can we go to the beach? it always makes me feel better when I'm having a down day." i ask.

"sure, why not?" he says, walking us towards his car.

"brady, can i ask you something?" i say, hopping into the passenger seat of his pick up.

"anything babe." he says, turning the car on, and exiting the school parking lot.

"why'd you want to make a deal and go out with me?" i ask solemnly.

"because i like you, you like me." he says.

"are you sure that it's not because you want to take my virginity?" i chuckle" hmm, i wonder..."

He doesn't say anything, but his face shows it all. Why? He's a tomato, that's all I have to say.

"If that's what you want, do it. Then we'll see who stands the tallest." I say, feeling insecure about my decision.

"Are you sure?" He asks, his expression completely what I expected.

I hesitate for a moment. "Mhm."

"Wow, this is so uncliché of you bell." He says.

"Thanks, but I want something in return." I say, being serious.

"Okay..." He says, gesturing for me to go on.

"Well two things. One; we keep the deal going. Two; I want you to beat up Blake Cameron." I smirk.

"Why do you want me to beat him up?" He asks, chuckling.

"For my amusement." I grin angelically.

"Fine." He groans.

"Thanks." I say, then plant a kiss on his right cheek.

"Thanks too." He says, placing a kiss on my cheek as well.

"Copycatter!" I yell, pointing at him like a five year old.

"Yes, yes I am." He says, crossing his arms.

"Aha! I was right!" I raise my finger in triumph.

"Yea, you were babe." He smiles, plan if a soft kiss on my mouth, my heart begging for more.

"So when am I gonna lose my virginity?" I ask, as of he could tell the future.

"Today if you want, whenever, it doesn't matter." He smirks.

"Of course it wouldn't matter to you." I mumble under my breath.

"No, but honestly, whenever you feel comfortable." He says, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Okay, then we'll wait until the time is right. I feel like if we did it today, that it would feel too rushed, like, with no passion. Even if we did it a month from now, I don't know, it's like, we're strangers." I say, head down the whole time.

"Bella, don't worry. I'll wait until your ready, I'll wait because I really like you. I've liked you since we were best friends. I know this is really late and all, but better late than never right?" He chuckles slightly.

"Thanks babe." I hug him.

He hugs back," thanks too." And I can feel his smile on my shoulder.

"I HAVE AN IDEA!" I yell randomly, breaking free from our short embrace.

He laughs," Yes, what's your oh so brilliant idea?"

"I WANT ICECREAM!!" I jump on my bed.

At this point, we've got to my house, and had raced each other up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Okay, we can go to Bask-"


"Okay, but I have a question. Are you on your period?" He chuckles at me still jumping on my bed.

"Possibly, " I say quickly," but lately I've been having this coconut obsession and now instead of saying coconut, I say coco nut. Anyways, I want coconut ice cream and I will die within the next 10 minutes if I don't get any so let's go!!" I literally run out of my room, having Brady follow me.

"Slow down speedy Gonzalez!" He says, grabbing his keys and jacket from the kitchen island.

"I'm a bleeding teenage girl, and I need ICECREAM!!!" I yell.

"And I'm a hormonal teenage boy, but do you see me complaining ? No!" He yells back.

"That's different. This is kinda like being pregnant, only, you really aren't." I say, trying to catch my breath while leaning into the side of his car.

"You make a good point. Let's go get ICE CREAM!!" He yells, pretending it's a war cry.

We drive off to go get ice cream.

"Brady, you're going way to fast! Slow down!" I say.

"Babe, calm down. You're having cramps and I'm literally going 20 miles per hour. Breathe." He chuckles.

"How nice of you." I say sarcastically.

"WE'RE HERE TO GET ICE CREAM!" He announces as I'm getting off the car.

"Your ice cream goals." I smile, then intertwine our fingers together.

As we walk into the shop and there's nothing good about it. There's a massive line.

I look at Brady and I'm guessing that he got the idea that I didn't want to wait for ice cream. I needed it. Now.

"Excuse me people, coming through!" He says, going to the front of the line.

You can hear screams from other people, but none too harsh.

"Today I have with me here, my bleeding teenage girlfriend who is in desperate need of a tub of coconut ice cream. I need to be responsible and get it to her before she explodes and dies, so I recommend you let me get just one tub of ice cream to please my girlfriend." He says, then turns back around and pays for my ice cream.

"Thank you." He adds, and then we exit.

"HOME WE GO TO WATCH NETFLIX AND WATCH MEAN GIRLS FOR LIKE THE GAZZILIONTH TIME!!" I yell, as I start eating my ice cream with my disposable spoon.

This might not be so bad after all.

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