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I wake up feeling really hungry. Well, not really hungry, just hungry.

I get out of bed, my pajamas on, and put on some sandals. I walk to the bathroom, brush my hair, brush my teeth, and then head towards my closet and pick out some nike pros and a slim black tee shirt.

I then open my sock drawer, grab some black socks, then close the drawer back up.

I put the socks on, then start looking under my bed for my Nike free runs.

And then I notice something on the floor.

My comforter? Hmm, that's weird. I try to pull it onto my bed, and it doesn't budge.

I can hear someone laughing, and I'm pretty sure it's not me. And then Blake pops out from under the blanket, scaring the living soul out of me.

He laughs hysterically," I got you so good babe."

I pause," who said I was your 'babe'?"

"I just assumed..." He says, his voice trailing off.

"It's okay." I smile," but, you're a bitch." I say, grabbing a pillow from my bed and throwing it at him.

He regains his smile." What was that for?"

"You scared the living crap outta me!"



I stand back up, then unplug my phone, and head downstairs.

"Babe!" I hear Blake call from upstairs.

I roll my eyes, but blush a bit. "What?!"

"Can't leave the house without shoes!" He says, a bath towel around his waist, him holding my free runs in his hand.


"I love you too." He offers a cheesy smile, then goes back into my room.

I groan as I slip on my shoes, then finally head it the door.

I head to the local diner, not too far from where I live, and sit down at the bar.

"What can I get for you today sweetheart." A young read headed lady asks me, notepad and pen in her hand.

"Hey ma, I'll get the usual." I say, not bothering to look at the menu.

"Bella? That's you? Wow, runnin' clothes change you." She says in her southern accent.

"Yea ma, it's me." I say, yawning.

"Why you so tired? It's almost one pm." She says, eyeing me up and down, only turning to place my order onto the wheel thingy.

"Oh geez, you don't wanna know."

"What don't I want to know?" She says, pouring me a mug of freshly brewed coffee.

"You don't want to know why I'm so tired." I respond, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Birds and bees?"

I nod.

"It's okay honey, don't feel bad." She smiles, excusing herself to take another's order.

I hear Berney ring the bell.

Berneys the chef, he know how I like my frenchfries, extra crunchy.

"Berney, can I get my fries?" I ask, not wanting to go behind the counter without permission.

"Si mija, of course." He smiles," eres familia, you're family."

"Thanks Berney." I say, getting up, and walking behind the counter to get my frenchfries from the window.

"Bella, now, tell me about this fella." Ma says, coming back from the table she was attending.

"Well, he's handsome, charming. It's hard not to love him. He has this smile, it can brighten your day, and he calls me beautiful, he says that he wants me and only me. He makes me feel like someone actually cares. After what happened when I was younger, I just assumed that no one cares anymore, and so I lived my that. He cares Ma, he really does." I say, feeling my cheeks heating up.

"You really like him don't you? I can see it in your eyes. " she smiles at me, then gestures with her eyes that someone's behind me. She smiles, then walks away.

I turn around to see Blake standing there, with roses in his hands, a small smile that crept on his face.

"Blake. I wasn't expecting you to come to the diner." I smile,"sit down."

"I do care Bella, and I'm glad that you know that. I'm glad that you think all that about me. Oh, I brought you these, thought that they would brighten your day." He says, handing me the flowers.

"I don't need you to buy me presents Blake, don't spend your money on me, don't spend your wishes. If you want to brighten my day, sit with me, watch Netflix, let us have fun. That's what makes me happy. Don't get me wrong , a rose every now and then is nice, but I don't need dozens of them." I smile, planting a kiss on his lips.

"Thanks, that makes my wallet happy, lets me spend more money on condoms." He laughs.

I punch his arm playfully,"stop!"

I pause, my smile fades.

"What's wrong?" Blake asks, his smile gone too.

"Blake, please tell me you used a condom yesterday." I say in a hushed tone.


"Blake! You know I can't be pregnant, uhh! My mom will kill me!" I say out loud, calling people's attention.

"I'm sorry, I just forgot. I wasn't expecting to her laid yesterday." He says, sympathy in his tone.

"Uhh, lets just hope I'm not." I say, trying to push the thought towards the back of my head, but I can't, it makes me way too anxious.

"Don't worry, I'll always be here, and you know that."

"But school, I've worked really hard to get those As."

"I know, I know."

When I get home, I see my moms car parked in the driveway.

I lump forms in my throat as I enter the house.

"Mom." I say.

"Yea?" She says suspiciously.

"Mom, yesterday I had sex with the neighbor and I think there's a possibility I could be pregnant." I blurt out, not really thinking about it.

She breathes in heavily.

"Mom say something." I say, a little scared at what her reaction will be.

"Baby, sit down." She says, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Mom, don't cry, please don't cry." I say, now starting to cry.

"Baby, I know how you feel, I was a teen mom, a really young teen mom." She grabs a napkin and dabs her eyes.

"Mom, I'm not ready to be pregnant. I'm not ready for a kid. What about school? I can't do this, I can't."

"Oh, you will. You will try your goddamned best. That kid that you may or may not be having is depending on you. Think about that, from here on out, you have to make those decisions. Start by making this one."

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