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"Deep breath Bella," Blake says, " Deep breath."

"It just scares me, you know. " I say, eerily.

"Dude, it's just my parents." He says, chuckling.
"Dude, like, I've never met them before. Not even when you guys moved in. This, this is bad." I say, crossing my fingers that my heart doesn't burst out of my chest.

"It's going to be okay, don't worry."

"Stop saying that," I say, lashing out." What if everything's not okay? What if they hate me?! What if they think 'oh look at the neighbor that we never met before! Oh she's the slutty whore who is having our grandchild who must go sleeping around before meeting us."

"Okay, well if you put it that way..." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his chin on the top of my head.

"I'm just scared. I want them to like me. What if they don't?!" I complain.

"Well, they do want to meet you because they invited you for dinner, and we have 10 minutes. Are you ready to go?" Blake says, looking at his watch.

"It's not like I really have a choice now, do I?" I say, awkwardly chuckling.

"Now that's the spirit." Blake says, laughing.

I walk down the stairs, only collecting my phone from my room, and leaving with Blake.

My mom was allowed to come along, but I asked her not to, just in case things got bad. After many pleads, she finally accepted.

As I reached the footsteps of his porch, I pause.

"Blake, I, I, I can't. I can't do this." I say, nodding my head," I can't. It's,it's too much pressure."

"Bella breathe. It's okay, we ca-"

"Bella! We've heard so much..." Mrs.. Cameron starts, her voice fading out.

"Mom, Dad, go inside." Blake says sternly.

"But Bl-"

"Just go inside—please. We'll go inside in a minute." He says, returning his attention to me.

"Sorry, I have a habit of ruining everything." I say, turning my gaze towards the roses in his front yard.

"No you don't. Don't say that, please don't say that.  Look at me," he says, forcing my gaze to his. His eyes, his hazel brown eyes had tears in them. Tears I caused." You are so much more that a shell of a person filled with anxiety, insecurity, and organs. You are my girlfriend, you are the mom to my kid, you are the absolute love of my life. Don't ever say that you ruin everything. If it wasn't for you, I would not be where I am. I'd probably be in jail or some shit. You are the only person that I love entirely for every single fucking flaw. Even though you had to sacrifice everything for your kid and me, you still love me. You still love me. That's the most anyone's ever given me. No one compares to you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, so don't you fucking dare say that you mess up everything." He says, tear streaming down his face, his jaw clenched.

"Blake," I say, coming out more as a whisper. Tears are massively streaming down my cheeks."I'm sorry. I love you. I love you, I love you."

I jump on him, hugging him. He wraps an arm around my waist and strokes my hair with the other.

"Now wipe your eyes baby girl, it hurts me to see you cry." He says, pulling away from the hug to wipe away his own tears.

I do as told, then ask," Can we meet your parents now?"

"Of course."  He says, standing up from the cold concrete steps, kissing me on my head during the way up.

I stand up slowly, trying not to squish the baby, then meet Blake at the door. I ring the doorbell and almost immediately his parents open the door, hugging me tight.

"Oh Bella, I hope you're all right." Mrs.Cameron says.

"Thank you for worrying about me, it's so nice to know that you care for me." I say as politely as possible.

"Come in sweetie, it must be chilly outside. " Mr. Cameron offers.

"Thank you Mr. Cameron. If I do get chilly, I can always just run over next door." I chuckle awkwardly.

"Of course you can." He says, chuckling also.

"Please, sit down. We'll be having giant ricotta stuffed pasta shells. For desert, triple chocolate layered cake with a raspberry filling." Mrs. Cameron says.

"Oh, thank you. I've never met parents so genuine before." I say, plastering a smile on my face.

A couple minutes into the donner, things start going downhill.

"So, how far along are you?" Mr. Cameron asks.

"Four months, almost five." I say, sipping some warm cinnamon tea from a very nice mug that looks very expensive. Actually, his whole house looks expensive. I've only ever seen the inside of his bedroom. Is that bad?

"So you've kept from seeing us for five months?" Mrs. Cameron inputs.

"I'm sorry?" I say, crossing my fingers that it isn't what I expect.

"I told you she was a whore. She is no one to be having our grandchild." Mrs. Cameron spits.

"Mom!" Blake starts, standing up.

"It's true son, she is no one. She's just a nasty whore who slept with you so she could take our money." Mr. Cameron rants.

"What money?" I question.

"Oh, don't act all innocent now!" Mrs. Cameron says, slamming her palms on the table.

"Mom, Dad, stop! Stop this bullcrap! Just stop! She knew nothing about our families wealth, and she loves me for who I am, not what I'm worth. Jesus! You guys jump to conclusions so quick! Have you taken the time to realize that before she came here, she had an anxiety attack because she was scared that you'd call her a whore! You promised me that you'd be kind and generous to her, don't treat her like she's me! She was a straight A student that wanted to go to college. I took that away from her, so don't go on blaming this on her! You have no dignity left on you, do you?" Blake says, holding his arm in front of my torso in a protective manner.

"Blake, can we go? I can't stay here."I say, starting my way towards the door.

"Bella, please," Blake says, sadness and anger present in his face.

"I need to get home. I can't handle this, I can't." I say, stepping out into the chilly air.

"It's okay, you can take some chamomile tea right now at your house." He says, slamming the front door in anger.

"This went exactly how I thought," I say, trying not to step on any rocks in the grass since my flats are thin. "Blake, I can't live with your parents thinking I'm a whore. I can't." I say, stepping onto the first step of my porch.

"Bella, don't do this. You know my par—you can't change what my parents say, that's who they are." He says, trying to hold in his emotions.

"I can't live like this. I love you, but this hurts. It hurts being stuck under a stereo type. It's like drowning while everyone else is breathing." I say, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Then just swim up! Swim up!"

"It's not that easy. Just, give me some time, please. Give me time. " I say, going inside, leaving Blake at the front steps.

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