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i wake up to a pounding migraine.

"take the gods." i hear my mom say, letting her breath make a sigh of relief.

"im sorry mom, i was stupid and careless, but that's me. im sorry you have to put up with all my crap." i say, again, being careless.

"im sorry for not paying attention to you, for thinking your sister was perfect." she says, a tear spilling onto her cheek.

"mom, she's a slut, she's been a slut for what? 2 years? you're barely noticing?" i reply with a harsh tone.

"please don't start with that." she pleads.

"no, i mean, she takes me for granted. she didn't even care enough to come see me after i practically died." i roll my eyes.

"she's right in here." i hear a nurse say, then see the curtain revealing blake.

im not exactly sure why, but my heart feels like it's crumbling in my chest, falling into my stomach.

after all, this was a pitty call, well for me it was, it was supposed to be.

"why are you here?" i ask, tears starting to stream down my cheeks just from the thought of it.

"because, i honestly felt bad about everything, about screwing up. i had told you that i had no other intentions of loving a girl, you trusted me, and i broke that. i want you back, the guilt is killing me inside." he says, crying too.

"blake, i gave you a chance, i gave you my heart and trust. you took more than you could bargain for." i say, wiping my cheeks dry, only to have them become rivers once more.

"bella, just give me one more chance to make things right, i can't stand you being upset towards me. i get that it was all my fault to let her cast me under her stupid spell, but -" he cringes," i never slept with her, i swear. the only thing that happened was that we made out, but i never got the same spark i get when i kiss you."

"i just wanted to say, during the whole time i was with her, i never once wanted to kiss her, or to- well you get the point. i wanted you." his voice getting softer towards the end of the sentence.

"blake, i can't keep us going, at least not right now. we need a break." I say with a monotone expression.

"you don't understand how bad i feel." he says, trying to get a hold on me.

"and you don't seem to understand that im not interested right now." i say, pushing his arms back to his sides.

"sorry, but imma have to ask you to leave." my mom says, gesturing him to go beyond the light blue hospital curtain.

he opens his mouth to speak, but when nothing comes out, he sighs and exits promptly.

im about to break into a puddle of tears, when the curtain opens again, revealing brady collins with a bouquet of red roses, my absolute favorite.

"hi bella, i heard what happened and then...i just had to come to see if you were okay." he says, placing the flowers next to the sink, then coming back around to my bedside.

"thanks brady, it means a lot." i grin.

"so, what happened with blake? why did you look like you wanted to cry for the rest of your life?" he asks, not wanting to make me cry, yet getting enough detail for himself.

"we broke up. he cheated on me at your party yesterday." i wipe an escaping tear.

"oh, sucks doesn't it. im surprised that you didn't go." he says, placing my hand in his.

"i sprained my ankle bad." i say, pulling off the cover of my foot to show him the bandage.

"that doesn't looks like a sprain." he says, "examining" it further.

"and who are you to tell me if its sprained or not?" i ask, covering it back up.

"you're forgetting that im the captain of the football team, actually" he chuckles," you're the one who convinced me to join."

my smile quickly turns into a frown.

"i miss freshman year." i sigh.

"and i think i know why." he scratches the back of his neck." sorry."

"it's okay, i just had this illusion that we would make it out to the end." i say.

"im really sorry. i wanted us to last too." he says, smile- gone.

i chuckle," and i really liked you too, you seemed to be my wanna be prince charming until you left."

"same here." he says, his eyes shinning.

"mom, can you leave please, i want to talk to brady in private." i say.

"okay sweetie." she says, walking towards the waiting room.

"thank you." brady says, making me laugh.

"so, what's so secret that you didn't want my mom to know?" i ask, scooting over on the bed, allowing brady to sit next to me.

"i want to make a deal." he begins,looking at me for approval to continue. i nod.

"you and me go out until graduation, if we break up before then, we'll go back to how we were, i didn't "know" you." he says.

"and if we don't break up?" i question.

"well, you get me and our friendship back, but i get to be that guy..." he trails off.

he wants to be the one to take my virginity...

"i don't know brady, what if you still keep having one night stands and all." i say.

"i promise i won't, at least the time we're together." he holds up his pinky.

this causes me to laugh, then i hold up my pinky.

"pinky promise." we say in unison.

"im in." i say at the end." ill agree to your stupid deal."

"thanks." he says, kissing my cheek, later getting a phone call and departing.

now i can finally say im dating the guy of my dreams...

holy crap! I honestly wasn't expecting this to happen, but I guess my mind has a mind of its own. Hope you guys are liking the story so far and don't forget to check out my other stories. Also, I've changed my username from -Orchid- to menndess. don't forget to comment, vote, but most importantly, enjoy. -menndess

Total word count: 1054

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