Chapter One

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Part One

The Fall

I awoke to the shrill giggles of a toddler. For the past four years I had taken my place on the couch. John Ethan had suggested buying a twin bed and perhaps putting it in Seraphina's room. I had reacted to this by spelling 'No' with the magnetic alphabet letters on the refrigerator.

"One of these days you're going to have to talk to me. I know you're not mute." John Ethan laughed and shook his head. I almost opened my mouth to mutter 'No', but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to admitting my existence in the house. As far as I was concerned, I was still the Right Hand of Alduin.

I made myself useful during the move from southern California to a sleepy town by the beach in Louisiana. Lucy Rook had almost exploded with happiness when she came home one day and found the whole house packed in boxes. I'll admit I got a little carried away. John Ethan still owes me for that one. That's for damn sure.

I groaned as I pulled myself from my deep slumber. As my eyes opened, I saw a pair of very large blue-green eyes gazing back at me. I flinched which sent the girl into a fit of laughter.

"Phina! Get your bottom in here now!" John's rushed voice hollered. Seraphina took off down the hall and it was then that I realize that she was naked except for her socks. Her glossy black curls flowed around her small frame. I rubbed my temples and laughed in spite of the hectic wakening.

"This really isn't funny. I could use your help." John Ethan scolded. I hadn't realized he was in the hallway and had heard me laugh. It was the first time I had ever revealed something so personal aloud. My very presence was confirmed. A part of me wanted to stress. Instead, I stood up and walked down the hall to Phina's bedroom. She stood in front of the wall length mirror by her closet and admired the bright pink sun dress she now wore. The girl was only four and yet John Ethan had commented multiple times that she was becoming a little diva. I assumed that was a good thing, until Lucy fretted about Phina developing an "attitude" in her teenage years.

Often times I didn't understand the way humans worked. You think I would considering I had been watching them for centuries. However, I still had so much to learn. They never ceased to amaze me. They could destroy and pollute one minute, then lie and cheat in the next and still go to church and preach the word of God on Sunday. It astounded me. Some of them were genuinely kind but many were consumed by their sins. They reminded me so much of children; wandering around immaturely, yearning to be taken seriously and yet never deserving the respect and recognition. And at the same time, I found their lives refreshing especially this generation with John Ethan and Lucy Rook.

John Ethan's wife Lucy was a short woman; slender frame and small bones. She had tan skin coloring, black ringlets, and a soft face. Her heart seemed so pure and innocent. She had to be the most understanding woman I had ever Watched and at the same time she had a mean streak like you wouldn't believe. She was extremely intelligent and knew how to charm you into doing what she wanted. No wonder John had fallen for her. His love for that woman was undeniable. I spent many nights as a fly on the wall watching them lay in each other's arms, gazing back at one another adoringly. They seemed to be addicted to each other. Before Phina was born, there were days they'd return home from a date and would nearly wreck her parent's house pulling each other's clothes off and running to her bedroom. John Ethan always gave me a knowing wink and would shut the door. After having to endure the first time they did this, I made sure to leave the house the second they came home like this. Her parents worked late, so there were many date nights that ended this way.

At first I thought perhaps they had been drunk and I realized that they were. They were drunk on life and love. It was like they couldn't get enough of touching, kissing, and hugging each other. I tried my best to observe and comprehend what they were feeling, but it was still so foreign to me. I watched every sappy romance movie I could to feel even half of what they experienced. But it never happened. At one point I desired to be human and feel what they could, until the day that Lucy came home in tears over her grandmother passing away. Sobs shook her body as she incoherently mumbled. I had never seen someone in so much emotional pain. Even then, I couldn't feel sad for her. I didn't feel much of the 'sad' emotion in regards to her pain.

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