Chapter Sixteen

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I wasn't sure how long we had been in Artemisia's realm. It could have been days or years. I only hoped my family was still alive when we finally left this world. It seemed like months since I had seen the blue sky and one sun hanging in the air. The light pink sky and three suns was a fascinating thing to behold. Maya and I had grown rather fond of this dangerous place. I grew accustomed to the rules and manners of behaving while here. In order to be accepted, we couldn't crumble under the fae's cruel, skeptical eyes. We had to remain strong and our wits sharp. I had a feeling that the fae were becoming used to our presence. Some had a harsh dislike for any human mortals, while others didn't care either way. Then there were those few like Queen Solaria who even liked humanity. Apparently, the Seelie Court was all for fighting in the final battle with us.

Even though we were under Artemisia's protection and the court monarchs' watchful eyes, there were still lone wolves everywhere hoping to kill us off to aid Lucifer and his minions. It seemed that even some of the fae were aligned with him. That was the tricky part. We didn't know who to trust. The court monarchs appeared too intelligent and devoted to their Goddess to ever defy her. But that didn't mean that some of the courts fae shared their same enthusiasm.

It was an early ass-crack-of-dawn morning where the three suns were scintillating so fiercely that I thought my eyes might melt in their sockets. The sky was a tortured mix of sunburst orange, maroon, and cherry. This was the only time of day when we were allowed to wear thin tunics, breeches, and boots. We were behind the castle beside the lavish courtyard. This area was called the arena. The dark ground was bare of any plant and large risers were set up on either side. The risers were made from vines and tree branches. At first only the angel squad, Maya and I's men, and the court monarchs watched us train and fence. But then as Maya and I began to learn and develop skill, talk of our growing talent had whispered among the realm. Now the risers were filled with tiny winged pixies with Tinkerbell like bodies, phoukas with pointed furry ears and long muzzles, fat jeering goblins, and tree nymphs that had human bodies, brown tree bark for skin, and green hair. Plus a bunch of other brightly colored fae populated the area that I had no name for.

It was my turn to train and I sat on the ground stretching my muscles. Solaria pranced over to where I sat and her somber face caused me to shiver. Her overly large lapis lazuli eyes were fearful.

"What's wrong, Sol?" I asked. She and I were on a nickname basis now that I knew that she liked humans. Keegan was also content with me calling him by his name. It was pleasant instead of always having to say "Lord Keegan" or "Lady Solaria". However, Dahlia, Renata, and Ash were still firm in their formal ways. Renata was beginning to open up to me, but Ash and Dahlia weren't budging.

She had her hands on her hips and sighed, "Lord Ash will be training you today. Your Grace said that it's time for you to train with the others."

I kept my face neutral knowing the monarchs were studying my reaction.

"You can do this. You and Maya have learned so much. You've almost knocked me off my game a few times." Solaria smiled sweetly, her long sable hair was glossy under the suns.

I cricked my neck side to side, feeling it crack. I stared down Ash and my lips curved in a cocky smirk. His eyebrows creased into a peculiar frown. That's right. Be afraid.

"Kick his ass." Sol whispered and smacked my butt before she sat down on the risers.

Ash was wickedly gorgeous wearing his signature all black clothes. The front buttons of his shirt were left undone and I noticed the thick muscles on his chest. He held a black sword that had long spikes prickled over the blade.

"I'm going to teach that pretty little mouth of yours a lesson." Ash licked his lips and readied his sword.

I glanced over at Cael who nodded at me. Klaus was shooting daggers at Ash's back. He really didn't like the king of the Dark Court.

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