Chapter Eight

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"Let's have some fun, this beat is sick. I wanna take a ride on your disco stick." Phina sang in the shower.

"Ah, Lady Gaga, the perfect songstress to serenade me this fine Monday morning." I muttered as I raked a comb through my damp hair. Both of us were running late for classes even though I woke up early to shower. Not sure what happened there with the time, but it certainly got away from me. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to wear. Klaus brought over a bunch of his clothes the night before, but I wasn't sure if it was my style. I didn't really have a style. Over the years, my wardrobe changed to fit the times. Right now it was the leather jacket, plain black, white, or gray shirts underneath, and dark jeans. Today I was going for a dark azure shirt. Ooo, so daring of you.

Tink mewed loudly announcing her royal presence in the room.

"Okay, what do you think?" I asked and shoved my arms through my vintage leather jacket.

The kitten purred and rubbed her tiny body against the open closet door.

"Lookin' good." Klaus wolf whistled.

I whisked around to find my best friend leaning on the door frame. He was invisible to Phina, but being an angel I could still see his cocky ass.

"What are you doing here?" It was unexpected.

"It's not every day the Harbinger of the world goes to college to stalk his unknowing girlfriend." He teased.

"Hey!" I frowned. "I'm not stalking her. Remember what I told you Gabriela said? We can't leave her unattended. If Lucifer has his higher demons on the lookout for Phina, I'm not leaving her alone for even a second."

"No, I understand. I would do it, too. I just can't wait to see how you rationalize all of this to Phina one day." Klaus chuckled.

"Hopefully she'll be like her mother and just accept it." I shrugged.

He stared at me dryly, "Seraphina is nothing like her mother. You're crazy if you think she'll be excited to know that we've all lied to her."

"What about Maya?" I shot back. "She was pissed when she found out you had a wife. Imagine how upset she'll be when she finds out what you are."

He sighed, "Honestly, I'm dreading that day."

"Did you finally talk to her about your wife?"

"No, she didn't want to know." He shook his head in disbelief. What a strange pair.

"I'm going to be so late!" I heard Phina exclaim from her bedroom. She raced past my room, grabbed her car keys off the kitchen counter, and ran out the front door. She didn't even bother to lock up.

Klaus smirked, "Maybe it's a good thing you're living with her. She's so damn spacey. Come on."


Klaus dropped me off in his Audi which attracted too much attention to my displeasure. He promised me we'd look into buying me a new car tomorrow. Knowing my best friend, he would insist on paying for me to have a shiny new car. I wasn't a high maintenance kind of guy. Any old car would suffice.

The University of New Orleans campus faced the sparkling lake. The park-like atmosphere distracted you from the fact that you were at college studying intense classes. Trees, vibrant green grass, and park benches only enhanced that sense. I had a black backpack slung over my shoulder and a map of the school in my hand. I gazed at the buildings and then back down at the map. Anatomy & Physiology started at eleven thirty in the morning and I had fifteen minutes to find it.

I wasn't used to the wandering, probing eyes of humans. It was uncomfortable feeling so exposed and vulnerable. I felt like everyone was staring at me, sizing me up, judging me, but then again maybe I wasn't used to being observed. Usually I was the one doing the observing, not the other way around.

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