Chapter Ten

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Two weeks later it was mid-November and the weather was turning chillier. I sat by the large bay window in my room and watched the freezing rain drizzle down the glass. The clouds were angry black and gray with lightning striking the lake and loud, booming thunder. My breath on the window formed a white hazy circle. I drew a smiley face on it with my index finger. I sighed and wiped it away. The sun was setting and black, inky night bled over the sand. I closed the blinds.

Phina laid next to me on the waterbed. She was painting her toenails neon pink with bright orange stripes. Maya was sitting on the floor playing with Tink. The cat mewed as she chased a furry mouse that smelled of catnip. Maya dangled the rodent in front of the feline's small face. She pawed at the fake mouse and a purr rumbled in her throat. Klaus was sitting at my desk. He swiveled around in the computer chair and glared at the cat. He still wasn't fond of her.

"I'm bored." Maya whined and held the kitty up in the air.

Klaus frowned at her actions, "We could watch a movie."

"It's getting late and you guys still have to drive home." Phina yawned and flexed her wet toes.

I pulled her closer to me and rested my head on her shoulder. Klaus eyed me jealously. The tables were turned; I was no longer the one on the outside looking in. However, I never looked forward to being invisible every night. Phina relaxed her back against my chest and gazed lovingly at me.

"Stay," She whispered.

I bit my lip and considered her offer.

"I'll always be with you." I replied.

She sighed, "I guess you're right. I'd probably just rape you in your sleep."

"Ahem," Klaus arched a brow. "We're still in the room, thank you very much!"

"Yeah!" Maya scrunched up her nose. "I don't want to hear about your sex life."

"You mean nonexistent sex life." Klaus teased.

I glared at him, "I'm sorry I'm not a man whore like you."

Maya's fiery gaze turned on Klaus.

"What? He's lying." He said unconvincingly. It was true that he slept around, primarily with Rose. However, I wasn't sure if that still went on.

I groaned and stood up, "We gotta go."

Klaus helped Maya to her feet and drew her into an intimate embrace. I was rather surprised by how long he held her in his arms. When he pulled back, he studied her face for a moment. Phina and I exchanged puzzled glances. I took her hand in mine and led her into the living room. Maya and Klaus passed by us and went out the front door. Suddenly, I was shoved against the wall and Phina's hot mouth was at my neck biting, kissing, and teasing the sensitive skin. I was overwhelmed in slow burning fire that licked over the surface with every touch of her skin. I lost my resolve to resist temptation. I picked her up by her hips and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I pinned her to the wall as she whipped my shirt over my head. I tipped her head back and blew hot air over her neck. I knew how much that made her squirm. I felt goose bumps on her arms as her skin tingled. Phina ripped at her shirt and yanked the flimsy material off.

Everything was happening so fast. It was a whirlwind of hands touching and feeling skin and heavy breathing. A dull ache started in the back of my head and slipped to the front of my skull. She skimmed her hands over my bare back gripping the hard muscles. She traced her sweet lips up my neck. I carried her to her bedroom and fell on top of her on the bed. I leaned back and gazed down at her in her bra and jeans. Her sleek curls were fanned out around her and her piercing eyes were alluring me closer. I took my palm; fingers spread, and pressed it to her neck. I caressed down, in between her breasts and stopped at her stomach.

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