Chapter Three

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The next three years passed rapidly. It was 2004 and the following years brought in a modernized economy. America strived for the white picket fence ideal while others liked living life in the fast lane. Technology seemed to advance every day. Klaus being the technology savvy man he was had all of the new gadgets and gismos before anyone else. I still wondered where his connections lied that he always had so much money and material items, but I decided he would tell me if he wanted to.

I hadn't slept that night. I stood on Klaus' deck with a glass of some vodka concoction he'd created. It was sixty percent vodka, twenty percent cranberry juice, and twenty percent lemon juice. It was strong and sour. My lips puckered with each sip. I swirled my tongue around in my mouth. My left eye twitched when I downed another swig. I cleared my throat in satisfaction over the burning feeling in my stomach. I'll admit I was just a little buzzed that early morning. My skin was tingling and warm.

"A little sour?" A voice behind me mused.

I nodded, "Either that or I'm a pansy." Yes, he has me using that word now.

"I think we should head over to the Rook's for lunch soon." He suggested.

I agreed and gazed out at the rolling waves crashing against the sand. "Why do you eat when you don't have to?"

"Food tastes amazing!" He exclaimed. "You're missing out."

I merely shrugged and finished the rest of my drink. Upon noting my excessive drinking lately, he commented, "Should you stay here? Don't want you scaring anyone by suddenly becoming visible." He was teasing me.

I groaned, "Yes, Klaus. I'll manage."

He narrowed his eyes, "What's up with you lately? You were happy for the last few years, hell, really happy. I've never seen you smile and laugh so much. Now you're all blah again."

"Blah again?" His use of the English language was impeccable. "Honestly, I have been sad. With Lucy and John Ethan's health being so up in the air lately it makes me upset for Phina. You know how she is. She tries to be strong for everyone around her, yet those eyes of hers look scared to death."

"She's eleven, Cael. Of course she's going to be freaking out." He was lounging on a tan patio chair.

"I can't lose them." I whispered.

Klaus' eyes were thoughtful, his reply soft, "I know. They're our family...I love them."

"I care for them." I explained. "But love? I just don't know what love feels like."

"Well, let's look up the definition for love in my handy dandy phone." He was being a smart ass. He pulled out his new BlackBerry cell phone and quoted. "Love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person."

I blinked, "Wow. That sounds very...consuming." I tried to envision myself in love. I watched many movies involving romance and it was an intimidating thought. Love left your heart and inner most personal feelings vulnerable to betrayal. But real love was also ever-lasting and perpetually binding.

The alcohol was getting to me, making my head swim. Have I really drunk that much? I ruffled my hair and sighed, "Can we continue this conversation later? My head hurts. I'm going to sleep for a while."

Klaus muttered something about lunch, but I ignored him and headed straight to the living room couch.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the environment around me. My sensitive ears picked up the ocean. I let the sound of sea gulls and rolling waves drown out the world. A few minutes later I was asleep and dreaming I was on the beach. It was midnight. The air was frosty and when I exhaled a puff of white clouded from my lips. Ahead of me a young woman stood in the sand, her toes submerged in the icy water. She was wearing a fluid black dress that swayed in the breeze. She turned and her face became lightened by a dazzling smile. Then, her arms surrounded me and I felt myself giving in to the embrace. Goose bumps engulfed every inch of my skin. She smelled of sweet roses and vanilla.

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