Chapter Twelve

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A week away from Cael left me agitated. I was frustrated that I couldn't get over my resentment. Hell, I was angry about many things. I was pissed that I was the target of a demon witch hunt, that the person I loved most was a supernatural being, and that my life would never be the same. Assyria kept shrugging it off as if it was no big deal and I was being dramatic. Maybe other girls would be jumping for joy over finding themselves in a dangerous love affair, but I was different than the rest of them. I didn't think fighting for my life was appealing. The whole boyfriend-being-an-angel thing was rather enticing and interesting, though. I wanted to sit in his lap and talk all night about his God. I wanted to know everything and yet my stubborn nature wouldn't allow it. My moods were changing quickly like Missouri weather. One minute I was at the front door ready to run to him and the next I was locking my door and flicking darts at the few pictures I had of us. Apparently, Antony was becoming skilled in photography and whenever he was bored and had to guard us, he would take pictures of Cael and me. They were beautiful, natural shots that caught us in the moment kissing, hugging, or gazing into each other's eyes. I stared at them daily.

I knew I loved Cael, body and soul. Even though I was raging and fearful inside, there was no doubt in my mind that I was solely his. No other person was Cael. He was mine and I was his. End of story, there was no way around it. Hell, I didn't want it any other way.

If I thought I missed him after a week, I was mistaken. Two weeks later, I was antsy and had to resort to submerging myself in my drawings in order to stay calm.

I saw my Dad often, but never mentioned my dilemma with Cael. I wasn't sure how to start that conversation. Uh, Dad? My boyfriend is an angel and demons are coming after us to kill us. He already had his health to worry about. I didn't want to burden him with this, too. I was fake with Mom. She was a nosey, perceptive woman and nothing got passed her. I wasn't lying to her directly, but I was omitting the truth. She seemed to grasp that something was going on, but she never asked which wasn't like her. She also didn't press me about staying with her during the holidays. I figured she was too concerned with Dad to think anything was wrong with me. Dad's health was slowly increasing and I kept thanking the forces above that he was getting better. On top of a shitty cake, I didn't need a cherry.

I had decided to stay at the beach house for a while. Mom was usually at the hospital for the majority of the day and I would be alone anyways. I still had my stuff packed in case I chose to go back home. Maya and Assyria were temporary guests in my house for the time being. Syri had to remain close to me in case demons decided to attack. Maya didn't want to sleep alone in the guest bedroom, so all three of us packed into my oversized bed at night. There was enough space in the bed that we weren't rolling over each other.

Syri and I had become closer friends. Even Maya grew fond of her and understood that she could trust her. Maya and I taught her all she needed to know about being a woman. Apparently, falling from heaven had more consequences than she had realized. Three months after she fell, she started menstruating like a human girl. After explaining to her the purpose of a menstrual cycle, she literally broke down. She was still a virgin angel, but the mere thought of being able to procreate petrified her. We spent that night eating donuts, watching The Notebook, and wearing our pajamas.

It was a night like that again. Since we were literally together all the time, our monthly cycles were synchronized and caused chaos in the house. Maya was irritated because Syri had eaten her hidden stash of Hershey chocolate bars. Syri was crying every five seconds because she just loved Antony so much. And me? Well, I was throwing myself a pity party over my sucky life. Not to mention the painful cramps were kicking my uterus' ass. Ha! If my uterus had an ass it would be sore.

"I hate you all." Maya muttered as she curled up on the couch. She was cuddled in my favorite Winnie the Pooh blanket.

I glared at her, "Suck my –"

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