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A month later it was Phina's coronation day in the throne room. Even though she was a fae Siren Queen, I was a God and she had to be recognized as my wife. She wouldn't be a Goddess, but it gave her respect among the other Gods and Goddesses. Our new fae would also be there to pay their respects and devote themselves to my wife. They were fae in the regard that they had a strong affinity and abilities with nature and were immortal, but they were mainly elven. They had sharp, angular faces and various colors of skin tone. They were close to six feet tall and had lithe, agile bodies. They were also naturally attractive. Other fae were welcome to live in my realm and follow me as long as they abided by my laws and leadership.

This was our home now, this palace and this realm was ours for eternity to do with what we pleased. Maybe fill it up with children or have wild parties if Maya and Klaus had their way. We had fae and a new line of them to rule. Even with the impending war looming over our heads I wasn't all that worried about it now. Tomorrow would have to take care of itself.

As Phina sat on the silver and ruby enlaced throne beside my gold and onyx throne, my mother placed the gem encrusted crown upon her head. There was excitement and a round of applause at the profound moment. Phina was tall and regal and elegant as she stared out at our people. She looked mature and wise sitting next to me. I held her hand and kissed her cheek. She turned to me and gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and waved at the crowd.

A few hours later we were in a large sitting room in the palace with our crew of people; the angel squad, the fae monarchs, our parents, a group of sirens, and Maya and Klaus. Some were lounging in chairs or sprawled out on the couches. We ate finger foods and sipped on wine. It was a lazy party; no music or dancing. Aree, the siren who had helped Phina through transitioning, was passing around spiceberries like they were candy. Maya pouted enviously still ignorant of their juicy taste.

Phina sat in my lap with her head tucked under my chin. We played rock paper scissors with our hands as we cuddled. Our romance seemed to heighten after getting married and not just because we were having sex. Things hadn't really changed except that we were closer and deeper in love. If that's even possible. It was amazing how much you could love a person.

"Your Grace," Aree bowed and served me a glass.

I sniffed the contents of it and grinned like a Cheshire cat, "You're a doll."

Phina laughed coolly, "Hear that, everyone? The way to Cael's heart is with brandy."

"He's easy. Isn't he, Phina?" Klaus smiled wickedly, implying that I was 'easy' to sleep with.

"Oh, burn!" Marc said obnoxiously. Dahlia stared at him as if he were dirt beneath her shoe.

"You would know, Klaus." Phina shot back and winked.

"Ouch," Marc lowered his head.

"That one backfired on me." Klaus muttered.

"My daughter is still a pure little girl as far as I'm concerned." John Ethan glared at the men.

"Of course she is, dear." Lucy patted his arm and bit her lip. She looked like she wanted to laugh.

"Everything is so perfect." Phina sighed happily. "I'm married to a wonderful, handsome God. I'm a Siren Queen and I get to live forever. And I get this cool realm with Cael. Yay me!"

"Ahem," Maya put her hand on her hip.

"And I have the most gorgeous best friend on the planet." Phina added.

"Mhmm, I know that's right." Maya puckered her lips with attitude.

"I don't want to frighten you, but there is a war coming." I murmured quietly.

"Way to kill the mood, Captain Doom." Klaus groaned.

"I know." Phina turned around and hid her face in my chest like a child who was afraid of the dark.

"Everything will be okay." Syri nodded positively.

"That's right. We'll defeat Lucifer and we'll go back to living our lives." Solaria comforted her.

Ash mumbled something about "sunshine up her ass" but it was so faint I barely heard it.

"They're right." I hugged my wife. "The war will be a cake walk."

Her eyes were wary and she knew how worried we all were about it. The coming battle wouldn't be easy at all and people were going to die. It was a common result of warfare, but we didn't really have a choice in the matter.

"I love you, wifey." I said to distract her and myself.

She peered up at me with those sultry eyes, "I love you, hubby."

"Eck, get a room!" Klaus threw a pillow at us.

I held my wife's face in my hands and kissed every inch of it. She giggled in protest while Klaus complained relentlessly. Our family and friends started a pillow fight while I kissed her. And our life continued on in the whimsical, whirlwind, crazy manner in which it did.

The End.

Author's Note: You didn't really think I'd suck you into this amazing world, with tons of other characters with stories to tell, plus an impending war, and not continue, right? ;) I have already written book two AND three in this long series. And I am currently writing book four. Also, this is not the end of Cael and Phina's story. They will both very much be in the next books, as well as eventually narrate another book (with Klaus and Maya) in the future. Over the next few books we will go back in time to hundreds of years ago and see the back stories of a few characters, like Klaus, Alduin, etc. You will also meet new characters along the way, new foes, and the entire Atlantean pantheon. Eventually after I finish this whole series I will delve into the fae monarchs' stories, the Atlantean Gods, and the humans who will accompany them along the way. Buckle up, bitches, as Maya would say. This shit is just getting started. ;) ~ Katie Carroll

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