Chapter Five

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The Rook family was packed into a 2011 Chevy Tahoe John Ethan bought with his tax return and savings. Cassie and her family were following behind us in their sleek black 2011 Mercedes-Benz SLS. It was May of 2011 and the girls were about to graduate from high school. Lucy was driving and kept staring at my invisible body in the third row of seats. I was sitting next to Klaus. Maya and Phina were seated in the two individual seats in front of us. John Ethan was in the passenger seat next to his wife. He reached over to hold her hand. I smiled; things seemed right in the world. John Ethan's photography business had picked up and he finally brought in a decent amount of money. He was able to quit his second job at a restaurant. Lucy stopped working long shifts at the hospital and even got a promotion for all of her hard work. She was now head nurse of her wing on the Oncology floor. She still had an impeccable work ethic and many hours to work, but the stress on her shoulders had lifted greatly. They both had enough money to pay their bills and live comfortably.

Even Cassie and Maya's lives had improved as well. Cassie was skilled at art and had a natural eye for interior decorating. She found she was gifted in designing a space and embellishing it. She put her newfound talents to work by starting her own interior design business. She designed and decorated spaces from lavish houses to proms for schools, even high dollar conference rooms and lobbies for multimillion dollar companies in the city. She would work in the city during the day and be home at night for dinner with Maya.

Maya was still a snobby, harsh girl with an 'I don't give an eff' attitude, but at least she seemed happier. A little of her sunshine demeanor had returned. The girl had shot up overnight, passing Phina in height. She was five eleven leaving Phina's five foot eight frame to look up to her older friend. Maya had an Amazon physique, mile long legs, and a surfer's toned body. She did surf a lot. After high school, she planned on studying general education classes before going to a school that would further her love for designing. She wanted to go to more classes before working with her mother at the new business. She surely was a design diva like Cassie.

Seraphina was a little more confused about what she wanted to do with her life. Part of her was interested in the medical field like her mother, but then there was her natural talent for sketching real life people and objects. She knew a medical career would pay better and was more realistic in this economy, but she absolutely adored drawing. She was often found with a pencil and her sketch pad capturing the moment. She was tall like John Ethan, but her dark skin and hair from her mother remained the same. The only difference about her was the voluptuous curves that had filled out over the years. As a teenager, she was stick-skinny. Now, she still had frail shoulders, thin arms, and a slim waist, but her hips had widened and her legs had more meat on them. She stayed healthy by surfing as well. However, Maya was toned whereas Phina was softer.

Since that fateful night that my identity was revealed to everyone, I was welcomed into the Rook household with open arms. Lucy quickly adored me and my sarcastic, offbeat humor. Cassie loved trying to ask me questions about Klaus and our angel nature. John Ethan grew closer to me after I saved the life of his little girl. It only solidified his approval of us becoming a couple one day. Now I was admitted into the family just like Klaus had been years ago. Even though I had to hide around the girls, the others knew I was always there and their knowing made the time waiting for Phina bearable.

The girls were dressed in their black cap and gowns while the rest of us wore formal clothing. My suit was dreadfully hot in this muggy weather. The ceremony would take place outside in the heat. This sucks.

"Stop fidgeting." Klaus scolded quietly.

"Are you not hot?" I groaned. "I am dying over here."

He glared at me, "Pansy."

I frowned, "What's your problem?"

He sighed and raked his hand through his hair, "Maya and I had a fight."

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