Chapter 1

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We were running back to the house. I just watched my aunt, two cousins, and father get killed right before my eyes.

I was running with my mom/alpha to escape the Mexican hunters. 

We met them when we went on a family reunion in Mexico but one of the younger werewolves killed three of their hunters.
If you haven't figured it out yet I'm a werewolf. My mother is the alpha and married my dad who was born a werewolf.

When they first started dating my mom didn't know about the supernatural but when she got in a car crash my dad bit her so she could live.

A few years later my mom killed an alpha that threaten to kill my father if she didn't join his pack.

I was born a year after that, a baby werewolf joined the pack.

After the family reunion we couldn't go back home in Beacon Hills, we moved to Oregon and the rest of the family scattered across the country hiding from the hunters.

We thought we were finally in the clear but my cousins Andrea and Clark who are two and three years older than me found out the hunters found us but were killed before they could warn us.

My mother and I were almost at the house when a bullet with wolfsbane hit my mom in the shoulder causing her to fall.

"Mom get up were almost there." I said trying to In courage her. She tried getting up but I knew the pain was too much.

"Alex, I won't make it but you can, the house is two minutes away if you run fast enough." She said but I couldn't leave her.

"No mama you can come too." But she nod no.

"Honey listen, go home and get on Clarks motorcycle and drive to Beacon Hills to Derek Hale, he'll protect you." She said and I gave her a hug.

"But you need to do me something." I looked at her with a confused look.

"You have to kill me before the bullet does." She said the unexpected.

"Mom I-I..." But she cut me off.

"Do it so I know you'll be safe, please my love." I started crying on her shoulder.

"I love you mama." I said.

"I love you too but you have to do it." She said. I placed my claws in the center of her back and plunged them in. I felt her final breath exhale from her body and her body temp went from hot to cold within seconds.

I pulled away from her lifeless body, "I love you." I kissed her on the cheek and ran.

I got in the house and ran to my room. I took my bag and put in pictures I valued and grabbed my parent's wallets and all the money I could get my hands on.

I ran outside with the keys to Clark's bike and drove off.

I was on the bike for two hours and stopped at a gas station in Beacon Hills. Big mistake.

I was filling the tank and a car pulled up behind me filling their tank. I noticed it was a cop car and just tried not getting any unnecessary attention.

"Excuse me ma'm." I heard the cop say, crap.

"Yes?" I asked. The guy was in his early twenties, definitely a rookie.

"Can I see your license please?" He asked. Crap! I'm fourteen and riding a motorcycle.

"Am I getting a ticket for fill my tank?" I asked.

"No, you look a little too young driving a vehicle." He said.

"Okay one second." I said turning to my bike and pushed the deputy to the ground. I hopped on the bike and drove as fast away as I could.

I heard sirens behind me, crap. A red light was coming up and I had no choice but to run through it. I almost got hit by a crappy blue jeep but the guy stopped.

I eventually lost the guy thank god. I drove back to the gas station to get water and finding out about Derek Hale.

I got in and grabbed a water and as I was at the register I decided to ask the guy who looked about his late thirties about the hales.

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know anything about the Hales would you?" I asked as I have him a credit card.

"Naw the only one that survived that nasty fire years ago is Derek Hale. I heard he's always at his old house, or what's left of it." He said as he gave me my change.

"Thanks." I was walking back to my bike when I heard sirens behind me. I hid as that deputy and an older guy walked into the store.

"Evening sir, we're looking for a young girl, about 5'4, brown hair, blue green eyes, riding a motorcycle?" He asked.

"Yeah she just left, she was asking about the Hales." And as I heard that I jumped on my bike. As it started I heard the deputy shout stop.

I drove away but he shot one of my tires that bastard. I had no choice but to run into the woods. I ran as fast as I could.

I was in the woods all night, finally after the sun rose I found rummage of a house surrounded by a metal gate. As I approach the house there was a teenager in the center of the plot of land.

"Hey! You shouldn't be here!" The dude yelled and I was shocked, it was Derek Hale, but he was fifteen, last time I saw him he look the same.

Was he swimming in the fountain of youth? "Derek? It's Alex Mason, lil al." I said.
He looked at me funny as he studied my features.

"Why are you here, where's my family?" He asked. Before I could answer I heard a car door slam.

"Hey this" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Me!" I said. I took young Derek by the wrist and started pulling him to the opening of the gate I made that led to the wood.

"Stop!" I heard the deputy say and I turned to Derek seeing he was tazed after attacking the other cop.

"Hands where I can see them." He shouted as he was creeping towards me slowly.
I raised my hands in the air and he turned me around putting handcuffs on.

"I'm guessing you don't have a license." He said as he was leading me to the cop car.

"I'm guessing you have nothing better to do than track down some innocent 14 year old orphan?"  I snapped as he opened the car door.

"If your an orphan than how do you have a motorcycle?" He asked.

"Your the cop figure it out!" I shouted.

On the ride downtown I explained to Derek about his family and what happened to mine. He was utterly confused. He is going to be heart broken when he finds out his family is dead. I wasn't going to be the person who says his family is dead, just missing.
I hope you guys like the first chapter in The Lost Alpha. 
How do you think Alex is going to be downtown?



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