Part 2 chapter 6

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I was home with James waiting for Parrish to come home.  We have been waiting for him to start Spider-Man for a half hour and he's not answering his phone.  I looked at James and he about to pass out with the popcorn bin in his hands.  "Maybe we can watch the movie tomorrow, it's getting late." I tell him as I took the bin out of his hands.  I picked him up and carried him  to bed.  As soon as he hit the pillow.       I called Parrish but he wouldn't pick up, "Hey where are you? Could you just text me saying when you'll be home please?" As I hung up the phone Scott texted me saying he needs me at the hospital.  Great.  Just then the door opened and Parrish came in.  "Where the hell have you been?"  I asked him.  I then saw a book in his hand about mythical creatures with many book marks in it. I gave him a look and walked towards the door leaving, "Next time pick up your phone." I said. I was walking towards the hospital and called Stiles seeing if he was at the hospital. As I approached the hospital I heard his phone ringing from the side of the building. "Stiles?" I yelled but all I saw were sparks. I looked around and saw a way up.
I stood on a windowsill and started climbing window by window with help of the drain running down the building. As I got to the top I saw Stiles on the ground and some kid from school on top of him but from the growls he was supernatural. I ran towards him before he could hurt Stiles and tackled him to the ground.
I punched him hoping it would knock him out but he just pushed me off of him. I stood but so did the chimaera. He tried hitting me but I caught you his arm and broke it. He took his other hand and shoved me to the big metal box behind me. I was a little blurry for a second but when I tried fighting again I saw another figure come in and take the chimaera down. When my vision got better I saw it was Theo. I looked over to Stiles but he gave me a look telling me he is okay. I looked back at Theo and his hand was wrapped around the chimaera's neck. Before I could react the chimaera's throat was slashed opened and body hit the ground with a thud. We all were silent for a second. "Don't tell Scott." Theo blurted out. "Why shouldn't we?" I asked him as I walked towards him slowly. "Because I never said anything about Donavon." He said and shock hit me. I would've seen Theo, how could he know?

"I know what happened to Donovan. I know everything." He spatted at us as I pushed him against the electric box. "You don't know shit!" I yelled at him and I could tell my eyes were glowing. "I was there. I was at the library." He explained as he threw me off of him. I landed on the hard ground on my butt but got back up quickly.
"Malia found the book. She was texting me to see where I was.
She said she left Stiles at the library.
I told her I was close." He explained quickly.
"When I got there, I heard the scaffolding come down." That what convinced me he was there, but I should've know if someone else was there. 
"You saw him?" Stiles asked in a nervous tone. "Just the body." He said in a low tone.
"I watched you guys come out. I was gonna say something, but then I saw the cop car. And the body was gone." Theo said, I was listening to his heartbeat and it was steady.   "I don't know who took him. I only saw what you saw, and I didn't say anything because you didn't." He was then interrupted by a siren in the distances coming towards the hospital.
"That's not an ambulance, is it? " Theo asked. "We should get out of here." Stiles said as he was heading for the door.
"We can't just leave the poor kid here." I said. Stiles turned back at Theo and I rolling his eyes.
"Fine." Just then I got a call from Hayden.  She usually doesn't call, I mean what teenager does unless it's an emergency. 
"Hayden?"  I said through the phone. 
"Alex! Your boyfriend is crazy! He has glowing eyes and fangs and these weird metal guys showed up and Liam saved me and brought me to Scott's house for whatever reason then  I locked myself in the bathroom." She explained quickly.  I looked at Theo and Stiles arguing, my god it's like a cat and dog fighting when they start fighting.  "I'm on my way."  I said. I put my phone in my pocket and looked at Theo and Stiles who finally quiet the fighting.  "I got to go, text me later Stiles." I said and left the building. 

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