Part 2 chapter 8

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I have been at Scott's house for a couple of hours and no update. Theo has surprisingly been great with James and the new chimera Cory has been antsy. I started looking at the back of his neck noticing where Scott impaled him with his claws has healed.
"It healed, didn't it?" Corey asked me. "Yeah no scar or anything."
"Okay, then. It's been fun. Especially the part where a werewolf forced his way into my brain with his claws." Corey said sarcastically as he was heading to the door.
"I don't think leaving is such a good idea, Corey." Theo said standing up from the ground with James.
"You know, Lydia's a Banshee. It means she can tell when someone's close to death, meaning she can tell that if you go out that door if your dead meat or not." I explained.
"Lydia, what happens if he walks out that door?" Theo asked. We knew she didn't know but she got the idea what we were trying to do. "It's bad.
Very bad." Corey scoff not fazed by Lydia. "I'll take my chances."
"Then give us a better chance at finding our friends, my boyfriend." I pleaded.
"What else did you see? Anything that would give us a clue where they could be." I asked.
"Come on, Corey, there had to be something else." Theo said. Corey thought for a moment trying to find something that could help us find Liam.
"There was the hospital and they took me outta my room." He explained what we already knew.
"And then where?"
"The tunnels."He said. I exhaled out of frustration, Corey is no help.
"Like I already told you. That's it."
"Yeah, nothing after that? " Theo asked.
"Well, there has to be more." I sighed being completely at this point.
"Think." Theo pleaded.
"Corey, for one minute, just just think." I asked.
Corey sighed and remembered something,"There was a basement."
"Where? Like, in a building? " I asked.
"A house." Corey stated.
"It was old, covered in dust and There was a broken stone wall with a large hole in it.
Like a bomb went off." He explained and then it reminded me of something.
"Lydia, the werewolf with the talons The one who attacked Scott." I asked.
"Didn't Parrish say that he smashed through the wall of a basement? Wasn't it something like that? "
"No, it was exactly that" she stated.

I couldn't wait anymore for Scott to return so Theo and I went on out own to find Liam.
Theo drove us to an abandon building away from town. We wondered around until I caught a scent, Liam's scent.
"LIAM!" I yelled running following his scent and found him and Hayden behind a fence.
"Alex don't!" Liam yelled but it was too late I already touched the fence sending the electric bolts through my body. I let go but my body was still shaking. I fell to the ground and saw Theo standing over me.
He gave me his hand helping me up and I shook my body a little. "What are we going to do?" He asked me.
I then thought of an idea crazy enough to maybe work. I grabbed the fence with both hands and with all my power I opened the gate. I let go and stumbled back against the wall.

Liam and Theo both ran towards me,
"Alex, are you okay?" Liam asked me and took my hand. He gave me a kiss and I smiled, "I'll heal."

We were driving back to Scott's and Hayden was barely awake. "Hayden stay awake." I said from the passenger seat. I could tell Liam was trying to take away her pain but nothing worked.
"I can't do it." He said. I placed my hand on her thigh and I started to feel a burning pain through my body. Hayden groaned as she sat up, "I'm okay."

We got to Scott's house but James wasn't in the living room with everyone. "Where is James?" I asked.
"Upstairs." Scott said. I ran upstairs and saw James jumping on the bed.
"Enjoying yourself I see." I joked and he sat down. "It's such a big bed, and it's for me." He giggled. "It's Scott's and thank him for letting you sleep here while we look for Liam and Hayden." I said as I sat next to him.

"When will you and Theo go out? I really like him." James said moving on top my lap. "You know Liam and I are going out." I said confused by where James is getting this idea. "But I thought Liam was going out with Hayden." He said giving me a confused look.
I stood up and walked to the door, "we will be leaving soon so make sure you make the bed before leaving." I said before walking to the stairs.
As I made my way down the stairs I heard Liam and Hayden talking.
"What are we going to do?"
"I don't know." Liam said sounding stressed. What are they talking about?
"I don't know how to break it to her, we have been through so much." And that is when my heart broke into a million pieces.
My heart dropped to my stomach, I honestly never felt so broken. Before I could stop myself I walked into the room and slapped Liam.
"Alex I can explain." He said but I ignored him and was about to walk out the door but Liam grabbed my wrist. "Alex it's not what.." Before he could finish I flipped him and he landed on his back. I walked out of Scott's house and started to run.  I ran until I reached a cliff and that's when I started crying my eyes out. I have never felt so alone, even when my family was slaughtered before me, I still have never felt so betrayed and sad. 
Than I heard a twig snap and saw it was Theo. "Did you follow me?" I asked and could feel my face turning red out of anger. "James was scared when he saw you storm out of Scott's house and everyone is worried about you." He explained. I lied my head back down. "I just need to cry here, alone." I said.  But Theo didn't leave, instead he sat down with my back facing him.  "I know it hurts, people don't realize that when your heart is broken, it's like it actually breaks."he said and I rolled over facing him now.
"It's just hurts, when someone your love doesn't love you anymore. And worst of all he moved on before we were even officially over."  I said still sniffling. I sat up and placed my head on Theo's shoulder. "It will all be okay don't worry." He said. I let out a shaken breath and thought, was this for the best?

This heartbreak killed me to write but I wanted to do this. I was inspired by a recent break up in my school to do this. But Theo coming to the rescue.... MAYBE it'll lead to something bigger. Lol


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