Chapter 2

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We were handcuffed to a bench at the police station. We sat there in silence, we both knew we could easily escape but weren't stupid to do that. I noticed Derek wasn't just younger by his body but is mind was too, who would do this?

Then the deputy that I found out name was Parrish came over to us, "The other deputy thinks I'm  an idiot for asking but I have a feeling if I take these cuffs off, your going to be okay and you'll help us figure out what happened to your family so you can get out of here, am I right?" He asked.

He took the cuffs off Derek but not me. "Playing favorites I see." I scoffed.

"He didn't do anything wrong, you ran from authority, a red light, drove underage and assaulted a police officer." He said changing his tone from nice to serious.

"I was scared." I said trying to sound innocent but he just rolled his eyes.

"Don't pull that on me." He said.

"Parrish get over here." The other deputy said sitting at the computer. He walked over to him and I caught Derek staring at me.

"You did all of that?" He asks shocked.


"Your not the same little girl are you?" He asked and I flashed my red eyes at him.

"Derek Hale?" I heard someone say at the computer.

It was an older guy and he was studying the picture on the computer and the boy standing in front of him.

Then two older boys came running in and the cop just rolled his eyes, "I'll take care of this." He said.

He pulled young Derek up but he stopped the cop, "I'm not going anywhere without her." He said glancing at me with a smirk. He was still the Derek that flirted like crazy, my cousin always told me he flirted with her friends.

"No she is in big trouble." Parrish said.

"Can't you just let me off with a warning?" I asked giving him a pout face. 

"What she do?" One of the boys asked at the door. He had black hair and was kind of pale. The guy next to him was well built and had black hair.

"She is fourteen and was riding a motorcycle, assaulted a police officer, rode through a red light nearly getting hit by a jeep, trust passed private property..." But I cut him off.

"Your that stupid dude that I nearly hit?" The boy yelled.

"Your the owner of that crappy jeep?" I asked and I could tell I struck a nerve.

"And Parrish, no need to say you were the police officer that was "assaulted." I said with air quotes.

"Hot." Derek said. "I won't talk without her." He said. "She needs to answer some questions, and it's Deputy Parrish to you." He said.

The sheriff I found out was the old guy who was the father of the son with the crappy jeep. The four of them were talking in the sheriffs office but I could still hear what they were talking about.

"Alex Mason, this says you used to live here until you moved to Oregon with your family, you said you were an orphan." Parrish said.

"My family was killed last night and was told to come back here," I tried not to cry but I thought maybe if I did he would believe me better if I cried.  "Do you think I would be riding a motorcycle for two hours back to a town like this for fun?" I asked.

"Well who killed your family?" He asked having a kinder tone to his voice than before.

"Your the police your suppose to find out!" I said and the tears rolled down my check but I wiped them away so he wouldn't see but he did.

"How do you know this boy?" He asked looking through the window to young Derek.

"I don't, but he reminds me of a good friend." I said with a little smile.

"I'm going to let you off wit a warning, but where are you staying?" He asked as he took the hand cuffs off.

"Where's the closest bus station?" I asked as I into the sheriffs office.

"You want me to trust you, where's my family?" Young Derek asked as I walked in.

"Now, I trust her." He said with a smirk but before I could walk to him one of the boys pulled me out of the station,
"What the..." I said but he cut me off by slamming me against the building in the alleyway.

"Who are you?" He asked. I could tell by his strength he wasn't human. I caught his scent and he wasn't just a werewolf but an alpha.

"Wow I found myself an alpha." I said. His grip on my wrist got tighter, "Who are you?" He yelled.

"I'm Alex, and who are you?" I asked. "Why are you here?" He asked. I kicked him in the stomach and pushed against the wall and I pinned him down, "I'm the new alpha in town." I said and ran off.

The Lost Alpha-LiamDunbarWhere stories live. Discover now