Part 2 chapter 7

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I was sitting on the ground in the boys locker room. My head was resting on Liam's shoulder and Hayden was laying down with her head on my thighs. I've been waiting for Parrish or James to text me but I never heard from them.  James is probably asleep if he hasn't texted or called by now and Parrish I bet he is busy. 
I didn't realize I fell asleep until my phone started buzzing. I looked at caller ID and it was Stiles. "Hey Stiles is James okay?" I asked and at first I didn't get a reply all I could hear was a small crackling noise. "Alex, something happened." I heard James whispered through the phone. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I panicked. "Stiles is asleep in the jeep that is upside down on fire and Theo is too but his face looks funny. " James explained. I jumped to my feet and grabbed my jacket on the bench. "James I'll be right there, don't move."
I hung up the phone and looked up to Liam and Hayden who looked worried. "Something went wrong at Deaton's, I'll call you guys later." I said before running out of the school and didn't stop until I got to Deaton's. When I got there Stiles was knocked out with someone's blood spattered over his face  still in his jeep which was flipped over somehow and on fire. As I ran towards him to pull him out Theo came out of nowhere and extinguished it waking Stiles up. "Where's James?" I asked Theo. When he turned to me I was shocked to see his face all bruised. "He is inside asleep. And the body is gone."

With Theo's help we managed to flip the jeep back onto its wheels but neither of us could catch a scent of who took the body, all we could smell was smoke. Stiles was confused and disgusted that he had Theo's blood all over his face. He tried explaining o me what he remembered before he blacked out until we were interrupted by Scott calling my phone.

    "Hey Scott is everything okay?"
    "Liam and Hayden, the doctors took them."

At that moment I felt like all the color on my face drained, my lungs were filled with a great amount of oxygen from gasp of surprise. I knew the doctors were after Hayden but why did they take Liam? Did he get hurt? Are either one alive? A million thoughts were going through my head and I didn't even realize Scott was talking, "Just meet me at my house as soon as possible." He said before the line went dead.

After I explained to theo and Stiles what happened we drove to my apartment. I walked upstairs to my room and laid James on the bed. He was out cold and had no idea what was going on. When I closed the door to my bedroom Theo was standing by the front door. "Jesus, why are you here?" I asked him quietly so I wouldn't wake James. "I wanted to know what you had planned in finding your boyfriend and his, new friend."  He said. "What are you trying to say? Liam has a thing with Hayden?"  I asked.  I knew Theo wasn't anything good.  Maybe he is trying to tear apart our pack not join. "Come on, their little "fight" about the six grade is more of a joke between them. How they look at each other you can tell something is going on." He said, and honestly it hurt being the truth or not.  "I don't believe you, and I don't have time for your bullshit." I said storming into the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and started thinking how I can search for Liam and Hayden.

I then started hearing James talking. I walked out of the bathroom and when I was about to approach the door but heard James talking. "And than I got a car for a bed!" He exclaimed. "That's so cool, seems like you have been having a good time since you've gotten to Beacon Hills." Theo said, I was uncomfortable him being alone with James but I continued to listen. "So how did you get to Beacon Hills? Did you have Alex's scent?" Theo asked randomly. I wasn't sure if he remembered he's talking to a child. "I don't know, I just ran in this direction I guess." James said not really interested in the conversation anymore.

That was my cue to come in. "Hey James, your up. Have a good dream?" I asked sitting on the ground next to his bed.  "Yeah it was crazy, you were in it." He said pointing to Theo. He than jumped to him standing on the bed. "Stiles was there too, and dad."he said, and I think when he says dad he is talking about Parrish. "What were we doing in the dream?"  Theo asked making his presence known. "It was when we were in the jeep, dad punched Theo, then took someone from inside the building and he WAS ON FIRE!" James explained acting wild and excited from his dream.  "Okay, I think you should go back to sleep so you can tell me what happens next." I said tucking him under the covers. I kissed his forehead and forced Theo out of the room.  "I thought I made it clear that you were not welcome here." I said. "I want to know what your plan is, cause I want to help." He explained and I rolled my eyes. "I don't want your help, and I was just about to text Parrish seeing where he is so  t James won't be alone while I go find my boyfriend!" I exclaimed and pushed him towards the door.

Just then Parrish opens the door surprised seeing Theo. "Oh, um Alex, who's this?"  He asked awkwardly. "This is Theo, he is here to, um help me with the doctors. We were about to leave." I said making my way to the door and tugging Theo with me. As we walked outside Theo gave me a smirk. "So where do we start?" He asked, kill me now.

We searched all night and nothing. I couldn't pick up a scent or anything. I had to go back home to take James to Scott's house to sleep since Parrish had to go to the station and Theo and I were meeting Scott and everyone there.  When Theo and I got to Scott's we were the first so I decided to take a quick nap. I laid next to James and when I woke up I was surprised to see everyone in the room, and Scott's claws in some poor kid's neck.  "Why can't I wake up to something to a normal scene?" I muttered.  I then realized James was not next to me but standing with Theo, I think he is the only person that likes Theo.

Scott then finally pulled his claws out of the kid's neck, "Is he okay?" Lydia asked and I then noticed the blood on his neck.
"What the hell did you do to me?"
"You'll be all right." Scott said not paying attention to him but drawing something on the notepad in his hand.
"There's blood."
"You'll heal."
"He'll be fine!"Scott yelled. Once he was finished drawing he showed what he saw.
"Listen I think it worked. I saw something." "There were tunnels. Pipes along the walls. There were these huge blue pipes at the entrance. Two on both sides." Showing the little doodle he did.
"Wait a second I know this. I've seen this before." "That's one of the tunnels I used to skateboard in." Stiles said studying the picture.
"Remember my dad caught me one time and told me to never go back? It's the water treatment plant.
That's where they are."
"That's where we'll find Liam and Hayden."

We walked downstairs, I had James on my back as Scott was ready to go find Liam and Hayden. Scott Scott, slow down.
"Just think for a second, okay? Mason should be going." Stiles rambled
"Liam's my best friend. I'm going." Mason insisted.
"Oh, did you suddenly get super wolf powers? I wasn't aware of that development." Stiles said using his one defense, sarcasm.
"Well then I'm going." I said walking towards Scott with James on my back still.
"No, James need you here." Scott said.  "But Liam is my boyfriend, I need to find him!" I demanded.
"Don't worry, but Alex you're need here." Scott said and I rolled my eyes walking to the couch and let go of James.
"We need to slow down and think." Lydia said trying to calm everyone.
"I am thinking about how Liam and Hayden could already be dead And we are here doing nothing." I growled.
"We will be back soon." Scott said storming out with Mason and Malia behind him.
"Hey, text me.
For anything.
I got it.
Anything at all." Stiles ranted to Malia.

It's me!
Lately I haven't been motivated to write but I'm charged up and ready to write. I know this is a short chapter but I wanted to give you guys something.  I will be updating soon, and be ready for more chapters to come as well as drama.



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