Chapter 7

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I spent the rest of the day at the school library until the game. I made a promise to myself I would try my best and do well this year at school.

In my family school was important but after we went into hiding we dedicated ourselves in training. I didn't pick up a book unless it was being made into a movie during that time.

I walked over to Liam and Mason before the game started. I noticed them looking over at Brett shirtless, oh my.... No no no Alex.

"I don't care if he's a foot taller I can take him." Liam growled. I put my hand on his shoulder and he calmed down a little.

"I think Mason is drooling a little." I snickered.

"Mason what are you doing?" Liam asked snapping Mason out of his little stare.
"What me? Agreeing."

"You think he's hot do t you?" I asked him.
"What no!"

"You know he wants to destroy me right?" Liam asked.

"I think you can take him don't worry." I said, Mason nod yes, "And then give him to me." He said and I laughed.

Mason and I sat on the bleachers and Violet joined us. "Hey guys." She said with a friendly smile.

"So did you say yes?" She asked me as the game started.
"Excuse me?" I asked confused.
I then realized she and Mason were having a silent fight by the looks they were giving each other .

"What is she talking about?" I liked at Mason.

"Liam going to kill me." Mason muttered.

"He was planning on asking you out today. Not surprised he chickened out." Violent giggled.

Crap, I wasn't looking for any relationship coming to Beacon Hills. Yes I like Liam and this flirting thing we have but there is a dead pool out and I want to focus on surviving, not a relationship.

"Ahh, hey Mason I think Brett shirtless again." I said and ran off as the game started.

I watched the first few minutes of the game and it was brutal for Liam. I couldn't watch it anymore so I made my way to the bathroom. I texted Derek seeing if he could pick me up but he didn't respond, same with Peter.

I started going through my contacts and saw my mom come up. I started crying a little looking at her contact info,
address: down the hall from me.
Cell #: 339-555-2945
Note: if she doesn't respond in twenty minutes your either in deep trouble or she's dead lol.

I was tempted to call her but it'll probably be a different person and end up disappointing me hoping this was just a bad dream.

I was walking through the empty halls of the school when I heard something coming from the boys locker room.

I caught Brett scent and a familiar one but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I walked in and saw Brett on the floor unconscious. I knelt down next to him, "Brett wake up!" I said and he gasped as his eyes shot open.

Before I could sigh in relief I felt a wire wrapped around my neck, "He said we shouldn't, but I got you, I got an alpha." I heard Violet say. She is the one who decapitated that wolf from the party and is helping Garret.

The wire became hot but I grabbed it and turned to her as she struggled to tighten it. I ripped the wire off and pushed her against the wall choking her.

Scott ran in when I was about to snap her neck, "Alex stop!" He yelled and I released her limp body.

Stiles came running in after, "I think you need to call your dad." I said.

"Dude, I went to find Brett and she almost took my head off. What else is there to tell?" I yelled at Detective McCall with Scott next to me.

I don't know what his dad thinks but I told him the truth in what happened, just not the reason why she almost killed Brett and I.

"Where is she?" I heard Liam voice from the hall yelling.

"Alex!" He called my name and when I found him he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in a tight hug.

"Liam I'm okay, still have my head on tight, don't worry," I said making him laugh.

"Alex, you could've died." He said pulling away. I noticed his eyes were watery, "Liam I didn't and that's the important thing, no need to sweat it." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He walked away talking to Scott as I see Violet being taken away by Parrish.
"Hey could you take her to the station, I need to talk to one of the victims." Parrish asked one of the officers handing Violet the other officer.

"Alex, are you okay? Have seen you in a while, I'm debating if it's good or not." He said.

"Well deputy, besides getting arrested, unsure if I'm passing 9th grade and almost getting killed I guess I'm lucky to still be sane." I joked getting him to smile a little.

"Where have you been staying since your family.... passed away?" He asked awkwardly.

"With a family friend for now, but I don't know how long I'll stay why?"

"Well if you ever need a place to crash you can come to my place." He offered taking me by surprise.

"Why would you offer me that? I'm just a stupid delinquent with bad luck," I asked confused. It was nice for the offer but I don't know much about Parrish, he could be a total pyscho for all I know. Well a total psycho with a badge.

"I know I didn't make a good impression on you so I just want you to know, if you need anything come down to the station." He said walking away.

"Wait!" I yelled making him turn around.

"Thank you Deputy." I said with a smile .

I was walking out of the building trying to get a hold of Derek or Peter but no answer. "Hey Alex!" I heard my name being called by Liam from behind.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked looking at my phone quickly hoping to get a reply.
"Mason and I were planning on going for a run before school tomorrow and wanted to know if you wanted to come? He asked.

"How early?"

"I don't know but early enough to kick your butt in a race." He challenged as my phone starting buzzing and it was Peter. "Okay be prepared to loose again." I teased picking up the phone.

"How did you know already?" I asked Peter as we were driving to Derek's apartment.

"Derek is at Deaton's trying to get the wolfsbane out of that kid Brett." He explained. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell Peter and Derek about tonight since the mute just tried killing them and I don't want them worried about me. I want them to only focus about themselves since they're betas, it's easier killing them than an alpha.

"So what happened to you exactly?" Peter asked. "Well I saw Brett on the ground unconscious and when I went to see if he was okay she wrapped the wire around my neck. When she was trying to tighten it I grabbed it and pulled it off, then nearly choked her." I chuckled at the thought of her being so cocky one minute to scared out of her mind.  I've never seen someone so scared before.

Peter dropped me off and when I got to my room I was exhausted. I barely had enough energy to change into my pajama.

The next morning I woke up to a my phone buzzing. "Whatever this is about I..." But Liam cut me off.  "Get up and meet Mason and I on the beginning of the running trial in the woods in twenty minutes." He said and hung up. I groaned as I got out of bed. I put on my black workout leggings and Nike sports bra and blue sneakers.

I got to the trail and started running seeing Mason by himself running.
"Hey Mason, where's Liam?"

"He just took off, I don't know why." He said and I got a little worried so I bolted. I saw Liam on the ground bleeding with Garret standing in front of him with some type of dagger. I tackled Garret to the ground but then I felt a sharp pain, I looked and saw the dagger in my abdomen and with the pain I could tell I was coated with wolfsbane.

My vision started to get blurry and I heard my name being called faintly,
"Alex....Alex... Stay awake...Alex."

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