Chapter 15

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"Come on one more episode." I begged Parrish as he snatched away the remote from me. I was watching season three of the walking dead and was about to start the season finale till Parrish came in and took the remote from me.

"Go to bed, you should be studying, not watching people getting eaten alive by zombies." He said shutting off the TV.

"Their called walkers and I am studying...for the zombie apocalypse." I said and he just rolled his eyes.

"It could happen, last week you didn't think werewolves were really so don't doubt me." I said trying to get the remote from him.

"Go to bed." He said pushing me away and I scoffed. "Fine, good night." I said walking off to my room.

I woke up when I heard my phone buzzing.

L:come over, I need help studying;)

A:really it's like 1 in the morning


A:I'll be over in ten

I rolled out of bed and threw on leggings and not even bothering putting on a different shirt or bra. I put on my uggs and left my room through the window.

I came through Liam window and saw him sitting on his bed with the light on.
"Hey what's up?" I asked sitting on his bed next to him. He pulled me in for a rough sloppy kiss. I pushed him away when he tried pulling down my pants.

"Liam what's wrong?" I asked looking at him confused. "I just need a distraction that's all." He said leaning in but I pushed him away.

"I didn't come here as a booty call but a supportive g..." I stopped myself not about to say girlfriend. I realized we haven't really determine what we were. A couple, friends with benefits.

"Talk to me when you want to keep everything in your pants." I said and left. That was weird, even for the fourteen year old alpha girl.

The next morning I woke up to my alarm blaring. "Ugh." I say loudly.

"Get up if you want a ride." Parrish said knocking on my closes bedroom door. That's one of the great things about living wit Parrish is he respected privacy.

I got ready for school, and by ready I mean put on a bra, washed my face, brushed my teeth and sneakers. I didn't even change when I came home last night.

I walked out of my bedroom  putting on my jean vest and with enough makeup on so it looks like I'm awake. "Your not going to school wearing that." Parrish said as he poured coffee into his mugg.
I was wearing a maroon tank top that revealed my boobs a bit( no cleavage, skinny people problems) and my
Bra strap was showing a little.

"Fine." I said not having enough energy to argue. I threw on a black sweater with holes that showed the tank top a little but it wasn't anything nice.

"Okay better. We're going to be late so eat in the car." Parrish said handing me an apple and grabbed his keys.

After I got dropped off at school I was walking down the hall relaxed. I had no stress from protecting any supernatural creatures in danger from being put on a deadpool.  I had all this weight off my shoulders and now I could actually focus on school and only school.

I didn't realize I was failing two classes and I haven't shown up to one of the two classes in two weeks.  I don't understand why we need to know why we need to know why the Egyptians built the pyramids, does it look like we live in Egypt?
And why do I need to know all about mass and density in science?

In my opinion I think we should just go to college so we can figure out what we want to do with our lives. If you want to be a dentist, you don't need to know how far Pluto is from the sun. Or if you want to be a photographer, I don't think you'll ever need to know what dynasty China went to war or something like that.

I finally had my free period and I was planning on hiding in the library and sleep.

As I was walking down the hall I heard my name being called from behind.

"Hey Scott." I said happy to see him. I haven't seen him since the deadpool ended and it's nice that he isn't worth $25 million.

"Have you seen Liam today?"
"I've been trying to avoid him actually." 

I then heard a grunting noise coming from the weight room. I noticed Scott facial expression changed since he could hear it too.

"Liam." I said and started running to the weight room. I saw him trying to lift what seemed like three hundred pounds. I pulled the weights off of his chest with one hand. He was a cocky beta alright. I could easily lift this weight but I've grown up with this strength but even the supernatural has limits but you have to work on them like human.

"What the hell are you lifting this weight without a spotter you idiot?" I asked when he finally caught his breath and I then noticed Mason and Scott in the room. "Why didn't you help him?" I asked Mason. "He was being stubborn." He said innocently. 

I heard Scott say something to Liam quietly so Mason or I couldn't hear him but I could still hear him.

" If you don't want to be with us, that's okay.
But don't push your friends away too." He looked at Mason and I but looked away quickly when we both made eye contact.

I was walking down the hall when I heard Liam running after me.
"Alex let me explain." He begged but I slapped him across the cheek.
" I don't know if you were stressed about the deadpool or school or I don't know just acting like a stupid hormonal teenager but I will never be a girl who accepts a bootycall." I sneered at him.

"Then why'd you come?"

"Because I'm a good friend and thought something could actually be wrong." I yelled at him and I saw him scoot away from me a little and I could tell why, my eyes.  I still didn't have full control of the alpha yet so I before it got ugly I walked down the hall.

"Alex!" Liam called from the end of the hall. I didn't dare turn around but I stopped waiting to hear what he has to say.

"Are you going to the lacrosse game tomorrow?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and walked away and out of his sight.

Boy can be such idiots.

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