Chapter 14

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Scott was driving me home while he goes back out go Kira who found more werewolves who are part of another pack. 

Once he parked in front of Parrish's building I handed him his helmet.
"Thanks Scott for trying to help me when I was, well wasted." I said giving him a hug. "We're family now, I'll alway be there to help." He said as I let go.
"Don't make promises you can't keep." I said turning to the entrance.

I got in the apartment and Parrish wasn't here. I decided to jump into the shower to get all this gasoline off.

I got in my room and after changing into my pajamas I passed out exhausted.

The next morning I woke up in the apartment... Alone. I hope I didn't scare Parrish that he can't even talk to me.  If that's the case I might not be staying for much longer.

I just tried not thinking about it and hopped into the shower feeling crappy from last night. I don't have a hang over but I'm just tired.
When I got out I walked to my room with a towel to get changed in my room. As I entered my phone went off. I looked at caller ID and it was Lydia.

"Hey Ly.."

"Alex you need to get down at the police station now!" She said in a shaky voice.

"Lydia what's wrong?" I asked as .

"I'll tell you when you get down here, it's about the deadpool."

"Okay I'll be there in fifteen." I hung up and changed into leggings, a graphic shirt and converse with a leather jacket. I threw my hair up and put only enough make up not to look disgusting.

I walked down to the police station seeing Lydia in the sheriffs office with Sheriff Stilinski, Parrish and some girl I've never seen before.

I entered the room and saw Lydia sitting next to the mystery girl. I then caught her scent. "You found another Banshee." I said leaning against the door shutting it.

"Her names Meredith," Lydia said. I studied the girl and she looked like she was insane.  She had bags under her eyes, her clothes looked old and worn, not to mention no makeup.
"She's the benefactor." Parrish said and I just laughed to myself.

"This girl looks like she needs to be checked in to that nut house up the street." I said.

"She is from there." Lydia said. I put my hands against the arm of the couch and looked at her. "I'd like to say I'm touched you think I'm worth nineteen million dollars, but if you don't corporate I'll make you scream so loud you'll make banshees ears miles away bleed, understand?" I said.

Meredith gave me a confused look but looked back at Lydia then to the ground.  "Meredith," she said taking a deep breath.

"I know you wouldn't be here if you didn't want to help."

"I do." She said. "But only to one person." She finished.

"Who?" I Asked.

"Peter, Peter Hale."


I talked to Peter over the phone and he agreed to come down to the station to talk to Meredith. He was also surprised that she wanted to talk to him specificity.

I met him at the entrance of the police department and lead him to the interrogation room where Meredith was. We stood in front of the window showing Meredith sitting at a metal table.

"Her?" Peter asked when he saw the innocent looking banshee.

"That's the girl that stole my money"

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