Epilogue to part 1

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I wasn't super excited telling everyone how my entire family was slaughtered one by one and how I watched some die before me.

I think after telling them my story I actually gained more respect than pity.

That's was the thing I hate, pity.
People feel sorry for you but it doesn't help the person at all, it weakens the person and makes them more vulnerable.

After I told them my story it was quiet for a few seconds and they each took their turn to paying their respects to my family by saying their sorry and hugging me, except Liam. He just held my hand tight which I liked better than telling me he's sorry about my family.

Scott and Liam explained what happened while I was well, dead back in Mexico.

Mr.Argent joined the Calaveras to catch Kate. Also I was safe from them, if I survive,thankfully I did.

Derek and Braeden searched for the desert wolf and Peter was put in the Eichen House. You can have these supernatural powers and still be put in the nut house.

Liam wanted to walk me back to Parrish's apartment even though I could've gotten a ride from Parrish. We didn't talk for the majority of the time, Liam had his arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me close to his as we walked.

"So, is everything over? The Berserkers, the dead pool? Can we be normal teenagers finally?" I asked him as we walked up to the front of my building. "Alex, we will never be normal." He chuckled. "We can try at least." He then gave me a kiss on the lips sending sparks through my body. "I don't want to try."He said quietly and I walked through the front door and up to the apartment.


"Alexandria, I'm proud to announce Jordan Parrish as your legal guardian." Judge Jacob announced and the whole court room erupt with applause coming from everyone in the courtroom.  Everyone from the pack was there and some of Parrish's friends from the army and deputy station was there.  His family couldn't come but I talked to them over skype and lets say Christmas there will be interesting. 

The social worker for my adoption was a little suspicious that a twenty-five year old was adopting a teenage girl about to turn fifteen.  I actually gagged a little when she as if  there was any sexual relationship between up, I swear I was about to throw up. Parrish is like an older brother to me even though he is considered my 'dad' now, but my really dad who was a werewolf will always be my dad and my only dad. Parrish is my legal guardian who can sign permission slips at my school and who with holds my inheritance from my family until I'm eighteen.

Once the judge slammed his mallet everyone started applauding and hugs were going all around. This adoption was more for Parrish's benefit than mine because he was starting getting questioned by other deputies at the station about a fifteen year old girl living with him. I knew he was used to me living with him and life for us was normal just the two of us so adoption was kind of making it official.

After we left the courtroom and everyone telling me congrats Parrish and I drove to a restaurant downtown where he is hosting a little party for the adoption. I knew he didn't have the money to blow it all on a party at such a nice restaurant but he insisted.

We pulled up to the restaurant with most of my friends just walking in.
The restaurant was super nice and the area that we rented had a bar and buffet and waiters coming in and out.

I walked up to Liam who was talking to Scott and Kira. "Hey guys." I said and they all greeted me with smiles except Liam who gave me a quick kiss. "How does it feel Alex Parrish?" Kira asked.

"I didn't change my name for two main reasons, one it sounds like I married him which is gross and second, because I am a Mason and I don't want the name to die just yet. " I said with a sigh. Liam comforted me even though I didn't need it but I didn't push him away.

Stiles and Malia arrived not too long after I got there and Lydia and Mason came after them.

I was having a great time with my friends and with the amazing food, then I caught a familiar scent. I looked around the room but it was coming farther away. I walked away from everyone without saying a word to the exit. I was following the scent and it led me to the woods. "Alex! Where are you?" I heard people yelling from behind but I kept walking towards the woods until I heard a stick snap.


"Alex?" I heard a soft and gentle young voice ask from behind the tree. Then came out someone I thought I would never see again,
"Jake?" I fell to my knees as he ran towards me so I was at the same level as the five year old in his dirty buzz lighter pajamas getting my black maxi dress dirty but I could care less about my dress.
"I thought you were dead!" I said in between sobs.

"I've been tracking you for the past few months when I didn't see your picture in the paper on the page with the dead people with everyone else." he said sniffling. I picked him up and started walking back to the restaurant to where everyone was outside panicking and where Liam, Scott and Malia where trying to find my scent.

" Alex where the he..." Before Parrish could finish he looked puzzled when he noticed Jake in my arms nuzzled his face into my neck.
" Everyone this is my cousin James."

Ending of part 1 in The Lost Alpha
That's a wrap on The Lost Alpha 👏🏻
So season 5 is over for 2015 so we all have to wait until January for new Teen Wolf😓
Depending on feedback from readings I might write a sequel
If I do it won't be published for a whiLe but I would post something announcing it.
I love all of my readers and everyone who voted and commented and the ones who added my story to their reading list.
Love you all❤️

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