Part 2 chapter 1

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Training a beta is hard work, especially when your not an alpha. Having that extra strength helps, especially when your struggling not to scream from how antsy James is. Ever since he came to Beacon Hills he has been all but smiles which is great, but when he gets a bit too excited he doesn't hide his supernatural side. I shouldn't expect him to know that he has to hide his powers, he lived in a community of werewolves so it was their normal.

Parrish has been great with James' arrival and super understanding.  He bought James clothes,shoes, school supplies.  James shares a room with me which is fine with me, there's no place in Parrish's apartment for James  to have his own room and he would've just came to my room.  James has loved the fact he found family and always has nightmares about the hunters finding us. 

Now I have to face my true nightmare and let him go to school. He has been asking me all summer about starting kindergarten and he has been okay lately containing himself. Parrish is pushing the idea since he can't take time off work and I can't drop out of school. There is an elementary school a quarter mile from the high school so I wouldn't be too far from James.

Today was orientation for James but also the full moon was tonight. I haven't seen James during a full moon since Mexico and he wasn't that great during it. He knew about orientation so I couldn't lie out of this, I'll take him, let him meet his teachers and get out of there.

I looked at the clock and saw that James and I only had twenty minutes to get ready and be there.

"James get ready we are going to be late!" I yelled as I ran to my room. When I got in my room I saw James wearing Parrish's tie over his mishmash outfit. "Ready." He said and he was putting his light up sketchers on.I laughed and let him get himself ready as I threw jeans and a sweatshirt on.

I gave James a piggyback ride to the school since we had to walk a mile there. When we got there people were giving the two of us looks, moms and dads were there with their kids looking nice like it was freaking holiday.

The school was really nice, playground was completely new which James was super excited about. Inside kids were playing with toys and it looked clean as can be. I walked up to the front desk in the office to an older woman, about 50's with big glasses. "Hi can I help you dear?" She asked sweetly.

"Hi I'm here to meet the kindergarten teachers." I said politely. The woman looked at me confused at first but when she saw James it made sense to her.
"What's the name honey?" She asked as she typed into the computer.
"James Parrish."
Parrish adopted James after we found him so no attention would be attracted to the unusually situation.

"Okay so you go down the hall and take a right, the you will see a sign to the kindergarten classrooms." She said as she handed me a paper with the teachers names and some extra information about the class and what the student will need.

"Thank you." I said and we walked towards the classrooms. Before we took the right James stopped walking. He was nervous, I knew this was going to happen. "James, we are just going to meet your teachers, you will be with me the entire time." I said. He stood there for a moment but it didn't take him long to take my hand and we continued down the hall.
The classroom was big and open. Kids were on the floor coloring or playing with toys that look fairly new, that when I noticed James walking over to one group of boys playing with some superhero action figures. I then felt a light tap on my shoulder, "Hi are you lost? The eighth grade is on the top floor." I heard from behind me. It was one of the mothers who where overdressed for this occasion, with six inch heels and probably five pounds of make up, it was like seeing one of those makeup counter ladies at Sephora after work.
"No I'm not lost thank you. But I know the art room is down the hall, seems like your kid got too much paint on your face." I said walking past her seeing the shock on her bitchy face. I then found one of the teacher at her desk, "Hi are you Miss Dawn?" I asked her politely. "Yes dear, how can I help you?" She asked standing up from her desk. She was a short blonde lady with a black shirt on a jeans, not wearing anything nice working with kids but still looked presentable. "I just wanted to meet you, I'm James' cousin." I said pointing towards him with a group of kids. "He's the one with the tie on." I laughed. He kept stepping on the tie while playing with the kids, I'm going to need to buy Parrish a new tie now.

The Lost Alpha-LiamDunbarWhere stories live. Discover now