Chapter 11

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I met Kira,Liam and Stiles in an empty hospital room with three MacBooks on the single bed. Chris Argent was on the roof hacking into the security camera.

Stiles must've been on the phone with him cause when I came in the computers light up with four different imagines on each laptop.

"So we just sit here and wait?" Liam asked. "Yeah." Stiles said in a 'duh' tone. "Waiting for what?" I asked sitting down on one of the chairs behind the three. "We wait for someone   suspicious to come." Kira said and I sighed. 

We sat there for about a half an hour just staring at the screens but I just sat behind them on my phone texting Parrish or Lydia.  Then one of the cameras went out on the laptop.

"Is that supposed to look like that? "
Liam asked as they looked over to the first laptop. "No. No, it's not." Stiles said quietly. "Where is that?" Kira asked.

"The roof.Someone's gonna have to check it out."stiles said and before he could finish I was halfway out the door.
"I'll go, it's boring here."I said but I heard Stiles voice stopping me.

"Whoa, whoa.This might not just be a malfunction." He said making me roll my eyes from how he's trying to protect me. "That's why I'm bringing these." I said revealing my claws and red eyes for kicks. "I'll go with her." Kira said following me.

"I'm coming with you." Liam said like a kid tagging along with his older siblings and it was cute.
"Okay." I said with a smile as he walked next to me.

"And you're both coming right back. Immediately." Stiles shouted like a parent.

We got to the roof and an electrical box surrounded by a fence started sparking.
"It looks like someone did something to it." Liam said and on cue I heard a growling coming from behind.

I looked and saw a Bezerker, to be honest it was scary as hell. 
"I think someone did." Kira said and took out her sword and twirled it ninja style. I let a loud roaring not scared showing my not so nice alpha side.

I ran towards the Bezerker and tried my best jumping up reaching its neck but it pushed me against the cement wall. 

Liam attacked next but was shortly pushed to one of the fences surrounding electrical boxes for the hospital.

Kira went towards a it with her badass sword but I don't think it thought the same. She fell hitting her head on the ground. "Liam," I shouted getting his attention. "Get Kira out of her." I said and jumped on the Bezerker from behind trying to wrap my arms its skull head but it threw me back again.

My vision was blurry at first but once I could see clearly I saw Kira standing up yelling, "Liam get out of here!" But of course he didn't. He gave the Bezerker a few searches but the thing just walked off the roof, weird.

"Alex!" I heard Liam yell and ran to me. "Are you okay?" He asked and I just smiled how cute he was scared I was hurt. No one has ever been concern with my health before since I was born a werewolf I've never had to suffer any broken bones or long term injuries.

I nod yes and he helped me up, "That was impressive what you did out there Beta." I said with a chuckle. "I do my best alpha." He said with a wink making me laugh. "Sorry to ruin the moment but we have to get back to being Scott back." She said running off the roof.

We just walked back holding hands when I smelt blood. I gave Liam a look knowing he could smell it too. We ran following the smell seeing Melissa holding Kira's mom on the ground bleeding.

"Go get Kira." I said to Liam and he ran off to the morgue where they are bringing back Scott.

I ran to the floor and put my hand on her shoulder where their was no blood.
I took away some of the pain but it was unbearable. Then Liam's stepfather came running. "What the hell happened?" He asked coming to aid.

"Just help us get her off the ground." Melissa said and she looked up at me when Liam's step sad brought a gurney.
"Go, it's okay." She said and I ran to Liam. 

When I got to the morgue I saw Scott sitting up on the cold metal table and I couldn't help but let a few tears fall.
I ran to the side of the table and gave him a big hug.  I could tell he was surprised at first but he did hug me back.

Scott and I have developed a weird relationship but since he is kind of the only werewolf that could help me if I needed it, I've gotten close to him.

Derek has shut me out for who knows why, Peter still isn't a full werewolf since he died and then came back, Liam is in worse control than me.

"You dick. You scared the hell out of me." I said quietly making him laugh lightly.
I let go of Scott and I noticed everyone around us staring.

"Is the tough Alex crying?" Stiles asked and I wiped away a tear. "I'm sorry for being scared, and the last dead body I saw before Scott was my mothers after killing her so I'm sorry for being a bit emotional." I said. I have cried enough not to cry every time my family is mentioned. Some people take years to mourn death, especially with multiple, but I just shut that department down.

I started walking out of the hospital when Liam came running after me.
"Are you okay?" He asked. I nod yes as I looked at my phone seeing Parrish's shift is going to end in ten minutes.

"Hey do you want to crash at my place for tonight?" He asked. "Sure just let me text Parrish." I said.

To Parrish: going to crash at my friend's place tonight. Talk to you tomorrow.

Once I got to Liam's house he gave me a baggy shirt. "I'll go change in the bathroom and get ready for bed." I said.

I changed and removed the makeup I was wearing with water. I threw my hair up in a messy bun as I walked back into Liam's room.

"Hey, are you okay from tonight?" He asked me as I came in. "Yeah, believe it or not but I've been through worse." I said as I placed my dirty clothes folded on the ground.

I laid down on his bed and he lied down next to me.  "Do you wish that things went different that night? The night you were bit." I asked him and he sat up looking at me.

"If I wasn't bit would I have you lying on my bed next to me?" He asked making me blush. "I don't know, if you asked me out of you still were human would you be scared if it did this on our first date?" I asked flashing my red eyes.

He chuckled, "If I did this on the first date would you be scared?" He asked and leaned down close to my lips. I closed the gap between us and he climbed on top of me. And the rest, well I don't kiss and tell.
So what you guys think?
Liam and Alex ❤️
What you think about Alex reaction to Scott coming back?
Surprised not really?

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