Chapter 1: Your Birthday Is When?

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I came downstairs feeling exhausted. My dad and I had, had a busy week. I slowly poured myself some coffee. I was just about to take a sip when
"Emmie!" Neal squealed and I almost dropped my cup.

Thankfully though I didn't I turned towards his voice and saw my ten month old baby brother.
"Hey Neal where's your mommy?" I asked taking a sip of coffee.
"Pardon me sweetheart but I'm your mommy too." My mom joked picking up Neal and kissing my cheek.

I snorted just as my dad raced over with a big smile on his face.
"Morning beautiful ladies." He laughed and I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Dada da da da" Neal squealed reaching out towards our dad.
"Hey there scamp." He exclaimed kissing his nose.

Neal squealed happily waving his chubby little fists at him happily.
"So Charming what do you wanna do for you Birthday?" My mom asked and I almost spewed coffee.
"What? Whens your birthday?" I asked and my dad smiled warmly.

"Next Saturday!" He said happily and I was at a loss just what could I possibly get my dad that would mean something?

To Be Continued...
Hey guys I hope you enjoy this story! Also please vote,comment, or both and tell me how you like this story ;)
✌ peace out thanks for everything✌

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