Chapter 8: In Sickness and In Health

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Red's POV:
I woke to the sun shining through the window. I had fallen asleep in the armchair. I noticed that Emma was stirring awake so I raced over.
"Emma you okay?" I asked removing the wash cloth. Her eyes fluttered and she studied me intently for a minute.

"Red what day is it?" She asked her voice sounding horase.
"It's Friday Emma." I whispered gently and she smiled.
"Good good only one more day to go only one more day." She murmured softly.

"What do you mean Emma?" I asked and she smiled.
"Well that my dear friend is a long story." She smirked tiredly.
Meanwhile with Snow and David

David and Snow walked into Granny's both feeling sad and tired. A blonde waitress walked up to take their order.
"Hi hi what's up I here its your b-day tomorrow Davey, ooh doing anything special. Hey aren't you like the sheriff or Something like that..." She rambled on and on for like ten minutes before Snow asked.

"Is Red here?" And the waitress frowned as if thinking.
"Um yeah like she was but that was yesterday and such."

"Doesn't that strike you as odd that you haven't seen Red since yesterday that she just left work mysteriously?" David asked and she stared at them for a long time. Then she laughed
"I don't know she was like here for the first time since Sunday, and then that lady Emma Swan or what not was talking to her and then Emma left and Red followed and well haven't seen them since." She explained to a very irritated Snow and David.

"So Emma was here with Red and then they both disappeared?" David asked and the waitress looked up from her notepad.
"So what'll it be?" She asked and Snow and David shared a " she's unbelievable" look umungst themselves.

Red stared at me like I was crazy.
'You're insane!" She hissed and I shrugged.
"Oh and why's that?"
"Why's that? Emma free week are you insane?" She asked shaking her head.

To be Continued..
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