Chapter 6: Bloody Hell

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   "Emma?!" Someone yelled and I sat up abruptly. I was unaware of my surroundings,but then my eyes focused and I was sitting in the middle of a ship deck.
   "Emma!" An all to familiar voice called. I looked up hazily and spotted Killian standing over me arms crossed.

  "Oh hey Killian." I yawned looking around. "How'd I get here?"
  "I pulled you off the dock Swan!" He hissed bitterly and I yawned again.
  "Oh yeah I was chasing a guy or girl anyway bad person and they threw me at the dock and I must've  fallen asleep." I stretched standing up.

As I started away he grabbed my arm.
  "Swan you look exhausted. Did you sleep last night?" He asked looking worried so I smiled.
  "Yeah just Neal has a tooth coming in so he's been keeping us all up a little. " I lied and he nodded uncertainty as I made my way off the ship.

I started off towards the station, ready to begin looking for the jerk who ditched me.

_________  ________________________
Meanwhile with Snow and David

  David sighed heavily as he walked into Granny's. Nor he or his wife had seen Emma in two in a half almost three days.
Snow sadly sat Neal in his highchair and the placed her own head on the table.

  "Emmie come?" Neal asked tapping his mom's head.
  "I don't know honey." She answered gently,and Neal began to cry.
  At that moment a certain pirate walked in looking agitated.
Upon spotting Snow and David he walked over swiftly.
  "Is it true then that the lad's teeth are bugging him?" He asked and David frowned.

  "No, he's just crying because Emma's been avoiding us and lieing like crazy.
  "Apparently not only to you. The lass looked horrible when I saw her in fact she fell asleep chasing a theif! On the bloody docks !!! She told me that Neal's been keeping her up with his tooth." He grumbled and Snow stood.
  "That's it  we're going to go find emma and we're going to get an answer out of her!" She raged.


  I tiredly walked into the jewelry store where a guy was stuffing a  bag full of cash. Yawning I held the gun up and schooled my features.
  "Freeze!!" I yelled and he dropped the bag looking stunned. I quickly handcuffed him and then rubbed my eyes.

Once outside I remembered that I had forgotten  the car.
  "Come on bucko we're walking to the station!" I commanded and he nodded looking so afraid. Actually after getting a better look at him I realized he was no older than Henry. "Who are you?" I asked and he shivered.

  "I'm Peter, you know Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers." He whispered shaking slightly.
  "Okay pepper boy why were you robbing a jewlery store?" I question eyebrow raised and to my surprise he burst into tears.
  "I...I I was just ....(hiccup) trying(hiccup ,hiccup) to ..... Help...out my ... Family(hiccup hiccup)!!!"

"Alright calm down, just take me to your house and we'll sort this all out okay?" I reasoned and he nodded quickly. So I took off his handcuffs and we  began to walk towards his house. After like ten or so minutes we finally reached it.
  I banged on the door swiftly and loudly hoping this wouldn't take long. The door creaked open and a little girl stood there looking fearful.
  "Hi are your parents home?" I asked and she  nodded then  looked towards Peter and her eyes went wide.

  "Mommy there's a po-lease woman here with Peter!!" She called and a woman threw open the door wider. She had redish colored hair and bright blue eyes.
   "Peter what did you do?" She asked sounding upset and worried which reminded me of my parents. I smiled at her warmly.
  "Well Mame I caught your son here robbing Pocahontas jewlery store." I explained and she frowned.

  "Oh Peter what is wrong with you?!" She asked putting her head in her hands.
"Um its alright  Mame, I'm giving him a second chance since this is his first offense. I'll let him off with only ten hours of community service. If that's alright with you?"
   "Oh that's fine thankyou so much! I'm Anastasia."
  "As in..."
  "The lost princess yes my story is long and I'm pretty sure its in your son's book in fact I do believe Peter and Henry are friends." She smiled and I turned to go
  "Wait won't you stay for lunch you look starved." I grinned brightly.
"Sure I'd be glad to."

-----------later on that day-----------
    I yawned loudly before making my way towards the station. I was almost there too when my phone lit up with my dad's picture. I contemplated whether or not I if I should answer.

  I decided I should though when I saw that it was 7:30 at night and I had eight missed calls from my dad. I yawned again before answering .
  "Hello?" I asked sounding like I could fall asleep at any moment.

  "Don't hello me I want you home now!!" My dad yelled and I held the phone away and yawned again.
"Sorry dad lot gots, I mean I got lots of paperwork to do at the station but I'll be...." My eyes closed and I started to doze off.

  "Emma!" My dad yelled into the phone and I jerked awake.
  "Huh what?" I asked
  "Just come home now!" He shouted and I yawned this time right into the phone
  "Okay let me just finish up all the paper work I gotta  do bye!" I called before hanging up on him. I knew one thing if they were going to have an Emma free week then I wasn't coming home tomorrow or the next day. I had to stay strong.

To Be Continued...
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