Chapter 7: Slow Day

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I winced as Whale wrapped my broken wrist.
"Okay Emma try not to attack a guy with a baseball bat unarmed." He instructed and I nodded, wanting desperately to leave quickly before jumping down and walking out.

My wrist still stung like crap but I wasn't as tired anymore because I had passed out due to being in a lot of pain and gotten about five or eight hours of rest in.

I walked out of the hospital feeling like a new woman. My phone rang telling me about a burglary in progress down at the library. Swiftly I took off in that direction.


Meanwhile with Snow and David

David called Emma again and got her voice mail message.
Frustrated he slammed his phone down on the table. Snow walked over to him with a sadden smile.
"Don't worry David well find her soon don't worry." She whispered. David shook his head miserably.

"Snow I'm worried we haven't seen her since Saturday night and its Wednesday afternoon now! And Whale just called and told me Emma was at the hospital and had broken her wrist."
Both David and Snow were frustrated.
" why is she doing this to us?" Snow asked breaking down.
"Huh I don't know Snow I really wish I did but I don't." He grumbled miserbly.

After taking care of the crime at the library I realized.

Today was a slow day there was no crime or anything, and so I took advantage of the situation and slept, I slept like crazy, needing to catch up on some sleep.

When I woke up the sun was shining through the windows and the room was bright with new morning light.

I stretched my arms upward then winced remembering my wrist. As I walked over to the clock it read 9:37 I smiled to a wonderful start, a wonderful morning. Until I looked at my phone that is. I had ten missed calls from my dad and six from my mother, twelve from Killian.

I sighed rubbing my eyes before redialing my mom's number.
"Hello?" A little baby voice asked and I smiled knowing it was my brother Neal.
"Hi buddy "
"Emmie!!" He screamed right into my ear. I heard shuffling before my mom yanked the phone from his hands.

"Emma?" She asked sounding like I had disappeared forever or something. Over thinking the situation I hung up the phone.
Then I scolded myself for doing that.

I sighed deciding to head to Granny's for some breakfast.

I walked for awhile before I saw a guy running down the street carrying money.
Destinctively I rushed after him and tackled him to the ground. We wrestled and he kicked me right in the jaw. It was so painful. So I pressure pointed him in his shoulder knocking him out cold.

I then returned the money and dragged his sorry butt to the storybrooke jailhouse. Then I visited Whale again and he told me to not eat solids for a day or so because my jaw was bruised.
Finally I was able to head to Granny's although it was lunch time now.

When I sat down at the counter Red turned to give me my order, and by the smile on her face I could tell she was out of the loop.
"So Red where've you been?" I asked and she sneezed .
"Well I've been sick since Sunday, but now I'm feeling better , so what'll you be having? " um I'll just have some soup to go and some coffee. I told her with a smile.

She nodded brightly before walking to the cook. I sat down slowly my head was throbing, slowly I laid my head on the counter.

"Emma! Emma!....Emma!!" Red yelled shaking me,but I felt drained so I tried to ignore her.
"Emma!!" She called sounding frantic so I lifted my head slightly.

"You okay Emma?" She asked her eyes swimming with worry.
"I'm fine Red don't worry." I whispered yawning. I reached for my bag but Red held it out of my reach.
"Awe come on Red just give me the food " I begged and she shot me a disproving glance.
"Okay I'll give it to you if you tell me what's going on?" She demanded and I sighed.

"Fine I'm just a little tired from working so hard." I tried but she still held it out of my reach.
"Hardy har har I'm not stupid." She countered but then she sneezed and I yanked the bag from her hand and threw some money on the counter.

"Bye Red thanks for the food." I called racing out the door.

My head was pounding and I felt sick to my stomach then I saw black spots dancing in my eyes before everything went black.

Red's POV:

I raced out of Granny's and looked up just in time to see Emma sway and hit the pavement.
"Emma!" I called racing to her side. She was so limp it freaked me out and she was burning up.

I wasn't too sure what I was thinking but I put my arms under her armpits and started dragging her to the hotel part of Granny's. I was exhausted by the time I reached the stairs, so I just placed her in a lower level room.

I got her onto the bed and quickly grabbed a wet wash cloth and placed it on her forehead.
"Oh Emma please be okay." I whispered worridly.

To Be Continued......
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