Chapter 5: Mondays

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I had only gotten about three hours of sleep last night and of course I got a bunch of texts from my parents,like.
Emma did you come home last night -dad

Did you eat breakfast this morning Emma?-mom

So I told my dad yes but I had to leave early to meet Killian somewhere. Then I told my mom that I had ,had breakfast. Sadly though those were all lies all I had for breakfast was coffee and now I was on a stake out waiting for a stupid petty theif.

Meanwhile with Snow and David
Snow was very suspicious, she hadn't seen Emma since Saturday night,and she wanted desperately to see her daughter.
"David where do you suppose Emma is?" She asked and he frowned.

"I don't know but I haven't visibly seen her since Saturday night." He whispered worridly and Neal was still sitting by the door just staring unmoving.
"Neal baby why don't you come and eat ?" Snow tried to coax him but he shook his head touching the door.

"Emmie!" He sobbed smacking the door repeatedly and after awhile David couldn't stand it any longer rushed forward picking him up.
"Hey little man wanna watch Elmo ?"

Neal nodded sadly his lower lip sticking out. Snow sighed as David turned on the TV.
"Snow are you going to invite our darling daughter to lunch at Granny's?" David asked and Snow nodded swiftly texted her daughter.

"Oh hears a big shocker!
Sorry mom just ate maybe tomorrow!" Snow put her hands on her hips.
"Is she avoiding us Snow?" He asked
"I don't know bit km giving her until your birthday to explain herself!" She grumbled sitting down next to Neal.


I sat in that car until dinner time before the theif finally made a break for it and I tackled him and aressted. Then I stopped by Granny's and grabbed a coffee.
Slowly I made my way back to the station wondering if I was going to sleep tonight. My phone began to buzz and I sighed. I'll take that as a no.

To Be Continued....
Hey guys I hope you enjoy this story! Also please vote,comment, or both and tell me how you like this story ;)
✌ peace out thanks for everything✌

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