Chapter 11: Confronted by Daddy

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My head was literally pounding inside my brain and my body aches but I knew one thing was for certain. I just had to find him a decent gift.

Then the idea hit me and I grinned turning on my heels I made a beeline for the station.

__________David's POV___________
I must've looked pretty pathetic because Henry sat down next to me and patted my shoulder.
"Don't worry Gramps we'll open your gifts soon." He promised and I nodded half-heartidly.

I was upset Red had told Snow and I Emma's idea of a great gift to me. An Emma free week, his stupid why would I want to avoid my daughter. I scowled bitterly just as Snow sat down next to me looking worried for me.

"Emmie!!!!" Neal squealed happily racing over to our daughter who scooped him up with a smile. Both Snow and I just sat there in complete shock unsure of what to do.
"Hey squirt did you miss me?" She asked and Neal nodded vigorously.

"Emmie bad gurl." He chided making Emma laugh and put him down. Snow got over her shock at lot quicker than me because she stood and stomped over to Emma and crossed her arms.

Emma smiled faintly at Snow's anger.
"Um hi to you too." She smiled again before placing a small package on the other gifts.
"Emma, I can't even begin to describe how worried I've been!!" She hissed and Emma looked down.

"Sorry." She mumbled before coughing into her sleeve.
"Emma hallway now!" I whispered and she nodded rather reluctantly though.

To Be Continued....
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