Chapter 12: Gulity

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Saturday still:

I smiled charmmingly at my dad but he still frowned deeply.
"Emma what posessed you to think that I would want a Emma free week!!!???" He asked and I shrugged looking down. Also my head was pounding repeatedly so I was trying to distract myself.

"Emma I'm waiting!" He hissed arms still firmly crossed across his chest super tightly.
"I donno I just thought that you'd want some alone time with Neal and mom." I tried but he frowned again.
"Yeah maybe like an hour but not freaking a whole WEEK!!!" He fumed and I looked down again feeling sad and sick to my stomach.

"I'm sorry I just thought it'd be a good present, let's just go back to the party." I tried but he pulled me back, his face a little more gentle.
"Emma Red told me that you told her that you think you ruin everything." He whispered sadly and I cursed.

"Red the big tattle tale." I grumbled under my breath and my dad wrapped me in a tight hug.
"Emma Ruth you are appart of this family therefore you do not and will never ruin any " family " moments because you're apart of this family. " he told me which made me sob quietly into his shirt.

My dad pulled away gently and placed a hand on my forehead.
"Emma you're burning up!" He shouted looking extremely worried and I smiled and grabbed his hand.
"I can wait, come dad your presents await you." I joked pulling him into the room then I sat him down and ran to go sit by the counter.

I placed my head on the table and smiled , loving the cold feeling the table felt on my fever ridden head. My dad frowned at me from across the room and I just smiled and gave him a weak thumbs up.

Snow's POV:
I smiled at David then did a quick search of the room for Emma, David had told me she was burning up and I wanted to see for myself.

Quickly I raced over to her and sat down next to her. Swiftly I placed my hand on her forehead. Which startled her and she sat up saw me and cringed.
"Emma you're burning up!!" I whispered and before she could object I pulled her close to me and made her lean her head on my shoulder.

David's POV:
I watched Snow fuss over Emma, much to her annoyance, and it made me smile then Henry ran over carrying a bunch of presents.
"Come on Gramps open them!!!"

I chuckled lightly at his antics before starting with a light blue package from Granny and Red.
They got me knitted socks, that were a bright yellow color, so I silently deemed them house socks and thanked them.

Okay to make things short here's what I got from everyone
Ella and Thomas gave me a shirt
Aurora and Phillip gave me a book on how to use the internet (which I needed)
Mulan got me a new sword holster
Henry got me a small photo album of our family and friends and our time here.
Snow and Neal got me a video of the Disney Snow White and on the back was a note from my wife that read
My dearest David,
First off happy Birthday and second enjoy the movie because
If I had to be tourtered with this movie so do you!! I love you and remember I will always find you so don't try and run because you're watching this movie with Neal whether you want to or not.
:) love forever and always,

I laughed at my wife's antics and Neal was super excited.
Okay back on track
Grumpy and his brothers got me a leather jacket with sunglasses.
Regina and Robin got me a book on archery.

I saw Emma sit up as if waiting for me to open something. I began to shuffle through the crumpled wrapping paper.
Finally I found a manila envelope that read dad on the front.

Slowly I tore it open and gasphed this was one of the best presents I had gotten today.

The end....
Just kidding its to be Continued bum bum bum
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ;)

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