Chapter 2: What To Get Him?

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I was sitting at my desk at the station, lost in thought wondering what I could get my dad. It had to be something special, yet thoughtful too.
I sighed heavily making my dad look up in worry.

"Everything okay Emma?" He asked with a concerned frown.
"Yeah I just have a lot of paper work to do." I lied and he raised an eyebrow at me.
"I thought you were all finished with your paper work?"

I smiled racking my brain with a believeable answer but then just my luck the phone rang and my dad answered it still giving me a weirded out look.

" Hello, oh hi Snow, yes we're both okay....he did what? Oh man I'm sorry I missed it!" My dad said looking like he just lost a million billion dollars.

" what's wrong? " I asked after he had hung up the phone and my dad sighed.
"Neal said momma for the first time today and I missed it!!" He informed me.
"Well that's sad dad but it's not like you missed him walking or something."

"Yeah but I just wish I could be there since I missed out on so much with you." He sighed putting his head in his hands, looking so sad and depressed.

I shot him a sympathetic smile.
At that moment the idea for the perfect gift for him popped into my head. I grinned mysteriously and began writing it down. This was going to be perfect.

To Be Continued...
Hey guys I hope you enjoy this story! Also please vote,comment, or both and tell me how you like this story ;)
✌ peace out thanks for everything✌

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