Chapter 13: The Perfect Gift

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David's POV:
When I first reached into the envelope I pulled out a note from Emma it read
Dear dad,
Um I know that this may seem corny and all but I figured that you might want this instead of my Emma free week. This gift comes with a small story if that's alright with you.

Once upon a time there was a six year old little girl named Emma, Emma Swan. Now she was a farely good student kept her grades up and tried not to draw attention to herself. So one day the teacher wrote on the board and told her class that they were going to have a creative writing day.

Well that excited most of the kids, even little Emma but then the teacher told them that they were to write a letter to either their mom or dad or both telling them how much they appreciated them and loved them.

Well little Emma was confused she had no real parents and her foster parents were unkind. So timidly she walked over to her teacher and told her this. Her teacher understood and told Emma to write a letter to her dream dad and mom. So Emma nodded and wrote separate letters to each of her ideal parents.

Twenty two some odd years later Emma's wish came true and she was reunited with her real parents
The end
So yeah I know it's corny but kind of freaky what the letter says I hope you enjoy it.

P.s. don't tell mom there's a letter for her I'm saving it for her birthday or Christmas whichever comes first
P.p.s whens mom's birthday?

I was crying after I finished the first letter. Then I chuckled at Emma's question. Slowly I reached into the envelope and pulled out a small letter on a light blue piece of paper.
It was written in red crayon but it made my heart soar.

Deer daddy
How cume you didn't want me? We're you sad? Or mad? Did you have no muney? Becuze I wuld not have cared, so long as we stayed together. Evebthough you may have just not wanted me. I under stund and I luve you annyways.

I hope that I can meet you evenchewalley and if I never do I hope that someday you will see this letter and no that I luve you no matter whut.

Luve, EmMA

P.S if you do see this letter soon po-lease come save me. My life stinks!!!

To Be Continued......
Hey guys thankyou all for your support and let me know what you think of little Emma 's letter to her dad, and older Emma's story

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