Chapter 4: Birthday Week Begins

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I got up around six thirty in the morning. Swiftly I packed myself a small bag and a pillow before racing silently down the stairs and out the door.

Once I reached the station I quickly texted my dad, it read:
Hi dad why don't you just stay home today and I'll call you if I need back up :)

Now all of this was a huge big fat lie ,but he didn't need to know that. I smiled hoping they had a fun day with just them as a family.

Then my phone vibrated alerting me of a robbery in progress at Gold's. Swiftly I took off in that direction , hoping I wouldn't need backup.

Meanwhile with Snow and David

Snow sat up in bed suddenly feeling as if something was wrong. Call it motherly instincts or just plain intuition. Swiftly she checked on Neal then made her way to Emma who... Wasn't in her room.
"Emma?" She hissed looking around then she knocked on the bathroom door. "Emma?" Slowly she opened the door eyes closed tightly and upon hearing no screams of protest opened her eyes and saw that the room was empty. In an instant she flew over to where David was sleeping.

Quickly she shook David's stomach roughly.
"Snow its your turn I changed Neal last time." He whined sleepily.
"David! David!" She whispered sharply.

"Sleepy!" He answered making Snow sigh heavily completely annoyed.
"David Emma is not in her room!!!" Snow grumbled shaking him again

David sat up abruptly and turned to Snow.
"What do you mean gone?" He asked and Snow sighed.
"She's nowhere in this house!!"
He was just about to spring from the bed and throw on some clothes when his phone lit up indicating a text from Emma.
"It says I'm being held against my will!"
"I'm joking Snow she said that she got a call and she'll call me if she needs backup." He reassured her and she socked him in the arm hard.

"Don't do that to me especially so early in the morning!!" She spat before slamming down into the pillows with a frustrated sigh. David chuckled lightly to himself while rubbing his arm that stung a little before texting Emma back.
Okay sweetie I hope to see you soon xoxoxo love you lots :)

He smiled sitting his phone on the nightstand. Completely exhausted it being so early and all.

I swiftly handcuffed the bozo who thought it was wise to break into Gold's shop.

"Whoever told you it was wise to break into the dark one's shop must've been an idiot." I joked and the perp sneered.
"I thought of this all on my own!" He yelled and I smirked.
"Well then I rest my case." He frowned at me as I threw him in the back of the cruiser.

Thinking about my family I turned on my phone and saw the text from my dad,it made me smile. I loved them both so much but then I got a new text from my mom asking if I was coming home for lunch. As much as I wanted to I typed
No sorry gotta convict a fellon but talk to you later love you

I sighed sadly walking towards Granny's and grabbing a burger to go. From a random waitress thank goodness because if it had been Red I would've had to play twenty questions.
After dropping the bum at the jail I got a call about domestic disturbance.

I smiled to myself hoping my family was having a good time.

~~~~~later on that night~~~~~~
I slowly placed the pillow on the couch at the station. I was asleep for about an hour before my phone buzzed telling me about an robbery. Tiredly I sat up and made my way to the scene.

To be Continued...
Hey guys I hope you enjoy this story! Also please vote,comment, or both and tell me how you like this story ;)
✌ peace out thanks for everything✌
P.s these are going to be a little longer than expected because they're a whole day so the next one will be Monday :)

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