Chapter 9: Explanation for This Situation

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Still Friday:

Red was staring at me intently and I could tell she was a bit mad, okay a lot mad. Anyway I knew she wanted an explanation to my crazy idea so I blurted.
"I ruin everything Red!! " then I put my head in my hands so I wouldn't have to look at Red.

"What are you talking about?" Red asked her voice sounding a bit more gentle. I shook my head knowing I had already said too much. I felt her hand tilt my chin up. "Emma what do you mean?" She asked again her voice sounding motherly.

"Neal's first word, screwed that up, when he first crawled it was when I was home alone with him. So you see Red I mess everything up! I..I ruin their family moments." I yelled tears brimming in my eyes.

Red shook her head with a smile.
"Emma your parents love you and you are most definitely not ruining their family moments because you're apart of their family." She told me and I could tell she wasn't lying. I shook my head again which made me feel dizzy.

"Okay Emma I want you to rest okay and tomorrow you're going to your dad's party and you're going to explain yourself." Red commanded and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever!" I murmured tiredly before letting my eyes droop. The last thing I saw was Red slipping out the door.


Meanwhile with Snow and David

David was cleaning up the kitchen roughly, feeling extremely annoyed and frustrated. A couple days ago he had been so excited for his family oriented birthday. Now he was just tired both physically and emotionally.

There was a knock on the door and Snow answered it with Neal on her hip.
"Um hello is Emma home?" A young boy asked softly and Snow frowned.
"No she isn't ." he nodded understandingly
"Um when do you think she'll be home?" He asked and Snow scowled bitterly.

"I'm sorry to say I do not know when she'll be home,but can I ask why you're here?" She tried and he grinned.

"Oh well Emma is supervising my community service." He explained and David studied him intently before asking.
"Why do you have community service?"

"Oh um I was robbing a store and Emma caught me ,but she gave me a break. She also fell asleep at our house because she told my mom she hasn't slept since Saturday." He explained making Snow and David share a worried look between themselves.

"Um thankyou young man we'll let her know ..".
" Peter "
"Yes Peter stopped by " Snow reassured him. Once she shut the door she turned to David fear swimming in her eyes.
"I know Snow I don't like it either, but we'll find her and bring her home."
"And when we do I'm going to find out what the heck is going on with her?" She complained.

To Be Continued....
Hey guys vote and comment and tell me what you think :-D thanks you're all so amazingly sweet

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