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Nova was frozen in shock. Caio is dead. I'm sorry for your loss, he didn't make it. She felt like the time she did when she was seven and got hit by a wave at Lake Michigan after falling off of her bougie board. How the pressure of the water filled her lungs, the urge to scream caught in her throat, burning eyes, and unable to react. She wanted to scream, cry and kill somebody all in the same breath. As much as she wanted to she was hardly breathing.

India was in the drivers seat unable to find the words to console her, they sat in the parking garage of the hospital. In all of the ten years of their friendship she's never seen her like this. India lifted her head when a stifled laugh left Nova's lips she began hyperventilating and tears frantically rolled down her cheeks. A gut wrenching sob shuttered from her body. Nova sobbed loudly until she possibly couldn't—which was seven minutes and forty-two seconds.

India cleaned the two of them up and helped her out of the car. "We don't have to go in, if you aren't ready." Nova didn't respond but she continued to walk towards the emergency entrance. Caio was pronounced dead on arrival while Noah remained on life support clinging to his life. The exact injuries weren't described over the phone but he was in critical condition. Nova knew she had to be there with Noah—with his limited family in the state Nova and her grandmother were like immediate family for Noah. As Nova staggered into the waiting room she found her Nana silent and puffy faced along with another woman from the neighborhood around her Nana' age, Ms. Kathy along with Noel pacing through the waiting room.

Nova fell into her Nana softly sobbing onto her coat, "I'm so sorry baby." Nana squeezed her with as much affection she could. "I'm so sorry." The two held each other tightly while a rush of wind and heavy breathing approached the cluster of ladies. India turned and clenched her jaw when she noticed it'd been Jahani—the last thing Nova needed right now, in her opinion. Before she could shoo him off Nova stood up and came into contact with him.

Without any words exchanged she wrapped her arms around his neck, "He's gone." She sniffled. Jahani wrapped his arms around her while stroking the back of her head.
"I got you." That's all that Nova seemingly needed to hear at the moment.

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