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"So she does exist," Nana commented from the family room when I locked the door behind myself. It's been weeks since I've been around and I haven't even bothered to call, I knew Nana was going to get on me for that.
"I know I'm sorry, Nana." Greeting her with a tight hug and peck to her cheek,"I've been worried about ya, I've got some gumbo on the stove." Internally grinning as I made my way inside of the kitchen and filling up a bowl with the gumbo.

"Where's my son?" She questioned as she brought the pitcher of iced tea inside from the porch, dumping the tea bags in the trash. Knowing that she was referring to Jahani, I rolled my eyes.

"We aren't together anymore, Nana."
"Ok, why would you do some stupid shit like that? I like that boy, Nova, he was a good one." I stifled a laugh and feeding my face. "They ask about you at the church." Sighing softly while she glanced at me over her shoulder.

Church has always been a big part of my life, especially when I began living with my Nana-every Sunday I was promptly dressed in tights, a dress and the whole nines. But as I got older and sat amongst those in the church it quickly got old from their constant bragging and meddling in everyone's business while throwing your sins in your face while ignoring their own. A lot of them all simple minded people that I couldn't get with. If I was coming to church I wanted to hear the pastor preach and enjoy the praise and worship songs not hear all of the messiness between the deacon and his young mistress or what Ms. Lucy's son does after church.

None of that could shake my faith though. I was still the God-fearing woman that I've been since I handed my life over to Christ, having some bumps along the way but I knew the things I needed in order to fix my wrong doings. "What's on your mind, baby?" Nana asked with a worried expression making me push my untamed hair from my face.

"I feel like I've lost control of everything." Sighing softly and continuing to eat the steaming bowl of gumbo.
Nana smiled softly,"Control is really a concept there's no such thing as control. It's an illusion, you spend your life chasing it. If it's an illusion I'm going to hold onto it...if not it's an abyss, it's just a hole,
a darkness...an emptiness and who wants that?"
"That was beautiful Nana." I grinned making her shrug just as the front door opened while I continued to shamelessly stuff my face. There's nothing like a home cooked meal to heal the broken hearted.

"Hey Moma," Moma came over and kissed my cheeks with a sheepish smile before helping herself to the boiling pot of gumbo.

"Hm, haven't seen ya ass in a month of Sunday's either. The two of you are lucky that I'm healthy and able because you two are clearly no help...could be out here like those I've fallen and I can't get up hoes!" I shook my head while placing my dirty dishes  with the rest in the sink before starting a load in the dishwasher.

"I'll spend the weekend, is that better?" I grinned at her from against the counter. She set her glass of iced tea on the coaster and shook her head.
"Un-uh, that's not going to work for me. I've got company tonight," Knowing all too well of what company entailed making me gag.

"Who you messing with Ma?" Moma asked with a quirked eyebrow. Nana lightly chuckled and ran her fingers over her plaited hair,"Don't act so surprised ya girl still got it. I slay act like you know." I can see that the kids at the youth center have been keeping her up to date with the lingo, shaking my head. "But if you must so ever know all of my business. I'm taking Mr. Vaughn Brown out for a night of dancing and drinks," She licked over her perfect white teeth making me twist my face up. I couldn't believe my ears.

Vaughn had been nearly sixteen years younger than Nana in his early fifties, but she didn't even look like she was slowly approaching seventies. Still having her radiant melanin skin with faint wrinkles and creases from the course of time, dark, almond shaped eyes, her long, fine silver hair that hung around the midst of her back behind her little ears, her button nose and plump lips. She was stunning and modeled throughout her late teens and early twenties. "A younger man, Ma?" Moma quirked an eyebrow while Nana adjusted her clothes on her body.

"Like I said I still got it," Nana playfully stuck her tongue out. "What's age got anything to do with it? I'm like wine baby, with age I just get finer and finer," She placed her hand on her hip making me grin and shake my head.
"Ok Mom, you better work."
"Well, imma take a nap because I'm tired of being on my feet all day. Don't wake me!" Nana made her way down the hall.

Stifling a laugh when my attention diverted back to my Moma, she had bruises peeking from her long sleeve shirt. "It's been so long since I've seen my babygirl," Moma pushed my hair out of my face with a slight grin.
"I've been around the way, just dealing with this and that." She nodded, seeming like she knew all too well where I was coming from. Knowing my mother she's gotten herself in deep and I was just hoping it wouldn't come back to bite her in the ass, I've had enough pain to last me a long while.

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