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Parking in front of the small, powder blue house with a nervous smile. Closing the door behind me and making my way up to the walkway seeing that my phone vibrated in my hand letting me know that I got a message from Nova. Walking inside to be greeted by Nana,"Jahani, good to see you." She squeezed me before leaving a peck on my cheek.
"You too, Nana." She smiled warmly.
"She's back there getting ready," Nana sighed.

Deciding to make my way down the hallway and leaning against the door frame seeing her grow frustrated with her hair before allowing it to fall down her back,"I can't." She groaned while I smirked at her.
"Hey baby," Nova bit into her lip and came to me, running my fingers through her hair to kiss her passionately. She'd been wearing a white romper with long sleeves and strappy sandals. "You look beautiful."

"So where are you taking me?" Nova intertwined our fingers and moved in closer to me. Smirking before kissing her again. Rewinds of the night before played through my mind as I brushed my hands over her exposed skin, she gasped softly.
"You going to have me bend your ass over ya bed." I bit into my lip. Nova pulled back while I adjusted my member and trailed behind her,"Safe sex kids!" Nana called after us as Nova hung her head in embarrassment.

Holding the door open for Nova and smacking her ass before she slid in. Closing the door before rounding the car. "Where we going?" Nova asked like a child when I pulled off of the curb.
"A place," She narrowed her eyes in on me.
"Like what, 'Hani?"
"Just sit back and enjoy yourself, baby."

For Nova, I wanted to do something intimate and personal for the two of us. Knowing that she didn't like over the top things I decided to have a picnic for the two of us to just have some well needed conversations and be secluded from everyone else.

Nearly half an hour later I pulled to the park I wanted to take her to. Nova stepped out and smiled cheekily making me chuckle, I took the basket and blanket from the back. "You went all out, hm?"
"You deserve it," I kissed her temple as she was on scout to find a place for us to set up at. Settling on the top of a hill to rest at, it had a perfect view of one of the lakes and the beach that was beside the park.

"So what made you think of this?" Nova asked when I laid out the blanket for us to sit on.
"Not going to lie, I might of had help from India." She giggled, it was music to my ears.
"Well, I love it." I left the food up to the fridge of Vaughn's and the Deli. Opening the basket up and picking out a sub for the both of us,"I appreciate this, Jahani." She weakly smiled making me lift an eyebrow at her.
"You good?" Nova nibbled on her lip while pulling the foil back off the sub.
"Is this from Tino's?" She quirked an eyebrow before moaning into the large sub.
"Nova, what's up with you?" I studied her face as she placed her hand over her mouth so I didn't see her chewing.

"Nothing," She lied before sipping her lemonade."You never tell me how you wanna go about us...where were going....how do you feel about this?" Licking over my lips.
"Since, we've been together I'll admit I've caught feelings and there's not a moment in the day you're not on my mind."
"But you don't love me, right? When I said that you know how I meant it right? Like a friend, you've always got my back..."

Blankly staring at the side of her face,"I've got some things I wanna tell you."
"Shoot," She began stuffing her face with potato chips making me chuckle.

"Uh, every time it gets brought up I ignore it. Feeling like you'd judge  if I told you things about me, but it's not fair to you. I appreciate that you've been so patient with me." Nova nodded as her eyes were intently on me. "I'm the son of an addict and a kingpin, what are the odds? My mother's been addicted to drugs since I was five, it started off with prescription pills which became crack and heroin. She hasn't been the same since the last time she's ever been sober, I remember that day so vividly. My Dad eventually gave up on her and us even if it was the chaos he caused. I keep in contact with him but it doesn't even feel like he's my father, just this person who's so unattainable, my mother wants me to have nothing to do with him. I know that she's right because those motherly instincts are somehow still there but it's as if I'm bonding with him out of resentment towards her."

"Baby, I'm not going to judge you for what you've been through-"
"It's not just that, Nova, there's so much I've been keeping from you." She quirked an eyebrow at me."I wanna begin by apologizing to you..."
"Did you cheat on me?" Nova immediately shot

She stifled a laugh,"Was it worth it?" Even if she was seemingly calm, the crack in her voice let me know that I lost all trust she once had for me.
"Uh, last night-"
Nova scoffed,"So after you took my virginity that wasn't enough for you, hm?"
"It wasn't like that, Novs." I grabbed her hands for her to snatch them away.
"How was it then Jahani?"

Explaining the night to her. Nova's features softened but I could sense that she was still mad. When I was going to ask her something it began pouring down hard, she grabbed a few things taking off towards the car. Her lips in a tight frown and her eyes looking anywhere but me.

Sitting in the car and watching the storm as we caught our breath, water dripped from the both of our bodies."My intention was never to hurt you when I did what I did."
"I just wanna go home," She glanced down at her phone and I saw that her Moma was calling but she ignored it. Something was up.

Starting up the car and pulling out of the parking lot, well this isn't how I wanted this date to go. Sparing her glances as she sat there quietly, her mind somewhere completely different.

The tension was uncomfortably thick in the car. Her hands had been shaking and when I attempted to grab it she pulled away like she was just burnt.

"So we're just going to end it like this?" I asked as we pulled in front of the house, she glanced over my face and I could see that she was holding back tears.
"If you wanted to see other people, why didn't you just break things off?"
"I-I don't wanna see other people, Novs. I wanna be with you." She rolled her eyes and moved her hand to open the door. "Baby, just lemme explain."
"Didn't you? You told me what happened, you kissed the girl and ate having doubts about us. Let me save you the trouble. Let's just be friends, all of this was just some summer fling and I was way in over my head to think it was something more and that you were different than the rest. Just a temporary lover," She mumbled the last part but I still heard her. Shit stung as she only viewed me as them others, I wanted to show her different but I didn't even know how to begin to cater to her every need, or express my feelings.

"Shaw-" She slid out of the car.

I felt my chest tighten as I got choked up on my pride. "Goodbye Jahani," She closed her eyes, biting her lips. Not without allowing the tear to cascade down her cheek, coming towards her as she was already making her way back into the house.

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