Chapter 17

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As we neared the camp we noticed that the funeral had finished, the final meal had taken place and all seemed normal. If you'd taken a picture you wouldn't be able to tell the murder which had taken place. Then you turned a corner and there was blood all over the floor. We both then placed the stakes around where it had taken place, leaving equal gaps. Then we wrapped the tape around one post and dragged it around, forming a barrier. Next we got some chalk and tried to make a line on the grass where the body was. When that didn't work we got some sticks and placed them making a line. Then we got to work.

I took out a micro pipet which took out a tiny amount. This was her blood. We put that in a test tube. Next we noticed a hair on the floor which didn't match Shannon's. We picked it up, noticing that it matched Martin's. We then picked it up and placed it on a slide. We kept it safe just in case we could find some of Martins hair to compare. Soon, a few  people turned up and wanted to see what we were doing. When they discovered what we were doing, most laughed but some congratulated us on 'doing something to help'.  Then Martin saw us. At first he looked confused. Just when it looked like he was going to say something there was a sudden shout. I turned to see that it was Gwen who had been distraught since Etan paused. We looked what had made her so happy. There walking slowly was Etan. Gwen rushed up and hugged him. I always thought something was going on between them. As he walked towards the rest of us. "Hi" he said. "Another one doesn't bite the dust?" Otto murmured. I walked up to Martin. "Can I have a piece of hair?" He looked confused. Giselle snuck up behind him and snipped of a piece of hair from his head. "Ow." he said with a tone of voice showing he felt nothing. we then got a tray like thing, filled with water and a wire in it. There were also four pieces of solid gel, emerging from the top of the water. We put both pieces of hair on separate gels, one hair from Shannon and one of mine. Then we pipetted a liquid on and passed electricity. The gels changed shape, a different pattern per hair. Except the one found on the floor. And Martin's. Otto peered over. Martin ran. Me and Arnold were soon to follow. As Martin ran he slid down a dirt slope. I went first, landing well, but Arnold miss timed it, landing badly on his ankle. He fell down. I had to carry on running. Martin leapt a stream. Knowing I wouldn't make it I ran alongside him. I neared a toppled tree, ran onto it and jumped, landing on him. I grabbed his wrists.

I took him back to the others. Arnold was being carried. Otto walked over, "You are under arrest, you have the right to shut the crap up. Anything you say can and will get a punch. You have the right to apologise. If you can't you will be punished even more severely." He then lent over. "Why did you run?" "You knew it was me!" he said. "Well, no we didn't. That was only one bit of evidence." I said. He scowled. I stuck my tongue out.

After he was locked up Otto came up to me. "Sorry we, well, doubted you." I shrugged. "I wouldn't have believed me either." I walked off. I walked past the prison. A deep hole with a net over two guards watched. Giselle came up to me. "Thanks." we both said. We smiled. "You got the killer" she said. "You proved I'm not mad!" We smiled again. Then an awkward silence occurred. "I should..." "Yeah, me to"

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