Chapter 20

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I'd like to say that as I fell I kept my head straight and didn't scream. I didn't. As I fell I managed to grab onto a grassy ledge. The drop it's self wasn't that bad and I could see the floor. The fact my arm was bleeding, my helmet was off and I had a motorbike strapped to my leg didn't help. Knowing I only had a few seconds before I fell. I was holding on to a thin tree and could feel it bend under the weight of me and the bike. I felt the pockets of the stolen trousers. I hoped something to cut the bottom of the trousers, shoes and laces off. Inside was a penknife. With about one inch of blade. I threw it away. My leg was yanked again. One hand slipped. I gave my trouser a tug and began to slip. I felt a rip and my shoe was pulled off. The bike fell and hit the floor and I span to the ledge and clawed my way up. Expecting an explosion, I rolled away from the edge. Nothing. I guess life isn't like movies. I looked over the edge and saw, well, nothing. I climbed up the ledge and fell to the floor clutching my leg. I got yanked up by my shoulders and slowly walked to the camp.

As I neared the tents, practically dragged by everyone I noticed more people had come to the camp site. Didn't recognise any of them though. As  they laid me down on a table in the 'kitchen'. Giselle came to the side. "Hi.", she said "Hi." "How are you?" "Fine." We then had a bit of an awkward silence. "So," I said, "I was wondering.........would you go out with me?" She laughed. "Have you been misreading some signs. I'm dating Henry." I was shocked. "Oh, right." She left. Gwen walked up with some duct tape. She then tightly wrapped it around my ankle so it was in the right position. Then she put two sticks down the sides of my leg and applied more tape. "Thanks." I said (my voice broke DAMN). I saw Etan making his way to us. He held a wrench. "Hi Etan." Gwen said. He raised his hand, holding the wrench and brought it down on her skull. Gwen fell to her knees and head planted the floor. I span and tried to grab him but he ran. I stood and hobble out to find the others, knowing she was dead.

"Everyone." They turned. "Gwen's dead." They gasped. Henry walked up. "Who, what, where, when, why?" I looked at him. "It was Etan in the kitchen with the wrench." Someone sniggered. I realised. "Oh shut up." They did. I led everyone to the scene of the crime. "Where did he go?" I was asked.  I shrugged.

They all had no choice but to go back to work. I was excluded from the search party and had to do the first bit of work yet. I was guided to the animal area. See, not all animal had paused, only old ones and we rounded up the one which make/ are food. I milked one of the cows, taking a while to get a hold of the rungs (or I should say udders). After a while I saw a little dog walking about. I'd not seen any moving pets yet. "Hi." It made a soft woofing sound. "Do you want some milk?" I held out the bowl. On closer inspection it looked like a beagle but a bit different. It was black and white and it came up to me. I read it's collar and it said Jake on. "Good boy."

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