Chapter 2

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"NOT AMENDABLE"Light grumbles angrily under the blanket.There was NO way he was getting out of bed at 3 am for L to go to the kitchen for a late night snack.

"Light-kun, I assure you it will not take too long."L mumbled.

"Go away Ryuzaki. I want sleep.You woke me out of my precious sleep. You can eat a buffet of diabetes all you want tomorrow. Now leave me alone!"Light yelled into his pillow.

"Yagmi-kun I ca---"he was abruptly he cut off by Light foot shoving him off the bed forcefully.

"Fine!"Light growled in frustration yanking the blanket off of him where it now lay forgotten on the carpet. "Lets go to the kitchen!"he stomped off dragging L behind him. He knew that when L calls him 'Yagami-kun' that means he's about to go to a new level of annoyance and the last thing Light needed was his percentage of being Kira to go higher after he finds himself punching L in the face. When they reach the kitchen L walks lazily to the refrigerator and pulls out two slices of strawberry cake. Light follows unwillingly and sits on top of the counter wondering if his morning could get any worse.He was already being sleep deprived.He sighed and held his head in his hands relaxing his eyes waiting patiently for L to finish his cake. He felt the sleepiness kick in and dosed back off to sleep with his head in his lap.

L slowly closed his refrigerator after few minutes of ravaging through it and pecking at stuff, he accomplished eating two slices of strawberry cake, one banana,and some Graham crackers.He turned his head to the linking chain and saw that Light was in fact asleep. Surprising. Light wasn't the type of person to let his guard down. L stared at Lights peaceful face pondering. He wondered what Light dreams about.
HAS BEEN HERE SINCE 2015] L wondered towards his precious cake. He knew that there there were many more slices of cake in the refrigerator. He also knew that if he was quiet as possible he could go for second dibs. As quiet as possibe he opened up the refrigerator and grabed two more slices preparing to quickly eat them.He knew what was best for him if he abused opportunities like this. Light usually would have put up a rougher fight when he was being deprived of his sleep. L's eyes wondered towards his snack and all thoughts concerning Light were forgotten. These were the moments L cherished the most. L put a secure hold around his fork and took delicate bites out of his cake. Eventually L finished. He honestly didn't want to wake up Light. He internally cringed at the thought. He awkwardly lifted Light up wrapping his arms securely around Lights muscular frame and quietly carried Light back to the bedroom. When he reached the bedroom he quietly leveled Light onto the bed. Taking his place beside Light, he propped his laptop in front of him and awaited the early morning.


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